LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Typically, the smaller, shorter succulents have evolved to be this way because they have the sun blasting on them. There definitely as many species to consider, but most of them will grow a little leggy if put in less sun, or just die (typical with harder to care for plants, which I will not be recommending).

I'd say look into sedum, anacampseros, crassula (although you'll have to trim those back to keep the compact look), and mammilaria
I need a greenhouse or some such thing as my back windows just aren't the best for plants but it's all I have for now.

Thanks for these suggestions, I am going to go do some research on them! 😊
I need a greenhouse or some such thing as my back windows just aren't the best for plants but it's all I have for now.

Thanks for these suggestions, I am going to go do some research on them! 😊

Oh, a mini greenhouse is a dream! Maybe a few hours of "outside time"?

Hope you find what you're looking for in one of those species!
So glad to hear! Hope you can find some nice specimens around you, or online!
I am going to look into a mini greenhouse. We used to have an 8x10ft greenhouse but after 25 years the sun had destroyed it. Maybe I can find or even make something. It needs to be protective from rain, mice, rats, deer and squirrels.

If I can't find what I'm looking for locally, I will order online!
I am going to look into a mini greenhouse. We used to have an 8x10ft greenhouse but after 25 years the sun had destroyed it. Maybe I can find or even make something. It needs to be protective from rain, mice, rats, deer and squirrels.

If I can't find what I'm looking for locally, I will order online!

I do not know about deer or squirrels, but the two other rodents don't seem at all interested in munching on the succulents. Of course, it's totally possible you just don't want to find rodents stuck in there:sick. That's a separate thing that I wouldn't know about, since I've never had my whole collection in an enclosed space
I do not know about deer or squirrels, but the two other rodents don't seem at all interested in munching on the succulents. Of course, it's totally possible you just don't want to find rodents stuck in there:sick. That's a separate thing that I wouldn't know about, since I've never had my whole collection in an enclosed space
I once put several succulents on my porch only to have a squirrel eat them completely down to the stem. :hit I then made a big wire box and put cacti and flowers in it and the squirrels climbed all over it to get inside. Pack rats eat EVERYTHING that contains water, and I don't doubt mice do the same. I can't be sure about deer but they eat everything in my garden so I need a well protected area to grow anything.

Anywho.... I've been surfing this website all day.....I want it ALL. 🤣
I once put several succulents on my porch only to have a squirrel eat them completely down to the stem. :hit I then made a big wire box and put cacti and flowers in it and the squirrels climbed all over it to get inside. Pack rats eat EVERYTHING that contains water, and I don't doubt mice do the same. I can't be sure about deer but they eat everything in my garden so I need a well protected area to grow anything.

Anywho.... I've been surfing this website all day.....I want it ALL. 🤣


I'd have a hard time picking if I had this much selection. Just so you know, some kalanchoe are highly toxic, but since they don't stay very small either, I'd just skip on them. You've got a wonderful selection, so just stay away from any agave or aloes, those are going to get bigger than you'd like. Look into the "hardy succulents" section, I think you'll find loads of pretty, compact specimens
I like succulents, a lot- very pretty, but I gotta say, I much prefer other plants- big beautiful leaves, little shrubs and trees...
Heck, I saw this bizarre type of grass at the garden store today, and it's going on my wishlist :gig
Also I have a strange fascination with moss. I love bioactive terrariums for that reason

(Just watch me eat my words and eventually get obsessed with succulents)

I'd have a hard time picking if I had this much selection. Just so you know, some kalanchoe are highly toxic, but since they don't stay very small either, I'd just skip on them. You've got a wonderful selection, so just stay away from any agave or aloes, those are going to get bigger than you'd like. Look into the "hardy succulents" section, I think you'll find loads of pretty, compact specimens
Yes I really like the selection in the Hardy section and they would probably do best in our climate, big temp swings between day and night. 4C is common at night, up to 27C during the day in the summer. The website suggests to wait until overnight lows are above 4C at night before ordering, protects them during shipping, so I will probably wait to order til the end of this month. Gives me time to make a decision, I want too many of them already! :barnie

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