LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

A grow light would probably be useful, especially since it's low in chlorophyll. It's barely a seedling, so right now needs all it can get.
Okay. It's in a sunny window right now (and already seemed to perk up a bit yesterday), once it gets warmer, I can take it outside for a few hours a day until it's bigger/ if I get a light.
They'll be destroyed by the deer unfortunately. I've found a few places saying that they can do well in pots though, so I might get some totes for them since these ones aren't the super tiny varieties I think
I also might see if my grandma wants them. I was thinking of a Calla Lilly when I bought them, so completely different plants
You can't stand too close to this lot, its contagious...
I'm already considering a second succulent :confused:
Well, I currently have my cats, and my mom, to keep me away from them. But when college hits… a small cactus might be nice.
They'll be destroyed by the deer unfortunately. I've found a few places saying that they can do well in pots though, so I might get some totes for them since these ones aren't the super tiny varieties I think
Awww. Yeah, critters love hosta. They should do fine in a large planter. Pretty sure they'll need winter protection though if you go this route. Heck, you could just bury them before the ground freezes then pot them up again in the Spring.

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