Lice and ?

Dec 16, 2021
Recently we have notice one of our chickens behaving oddly-- sleeping on the ground. She has been having looser stool that the others and is not as active. After noticing some missing tail feathers we believe she has lice.

We have 5 others and a rooster (these were all inherited from the pervious owners-- we are not chicken people). The other chickens do not have any signs that we can see.

We are planning to treat with permetherin spray and DE (which I know people have strong opinions about--but we have it) and will clean out the coop thoroughly. Our small property is heavily wooded so we can't burn the bedding.

The reason I am posting is that she has also this weird bump where she lost the tail feathers. I will post a picture (it is gross). We have called vers in the area but none treat chickens. What do people do?

Thanks in advance if you have advice!


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That's her oil/preen gland, all chickens have one or two.
Have you seen the lice? Do you know approximately how old they are? She could be getting plucked by her flock mates or just molting.
If it's plucking, a change of diet or expansion might be needed.

Where am I supposed to be looking for the lice?
Recently we have notice one of our chickens behaving oddly-- sleeping on the ground.
This could just be due to lice/mites or perhaps a bully in the flock (chickens don't want to go to roost when they know they're going to bitten or pecked at), but it's a good idea to also check for physical issues that might be keeping her from roosting. I'd check her legs from hocks to foot pads for any sign of bruising, swelling or scabs and also check her abdomen (between her legs and her vent) for swelling, lumps, or squishiness.
Well that's a relief! I though it was an abcess! I attached another picture--we could see them running away when we parted her feathers, we were having trouble getting a picture. Thanks for the reply!

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