Lie to me and tell me it's a girl. Do it.


10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
I bought this beauty a few weeks ago as a 'barred cochin hen' in a package deal with some other birds. I think it is a barred rock rooster. Anyone? It sure is handsome, whatever it is! And big. At least I can eat him if he doesn't lay me any eggs.

Sorry the pics aren't better, my camera sucks and chickens suck at standing still.



It's a girl. (that's a lie like you requested.. sorry. it's definitely a boy.)

Looks like a project chicken.. or a REALLY lousy type barred cochin. It would fit a barred rock- cochin cross though.
Oh and I forgot to mention the strange crow I heard last week, followed promptly by an "oh *&^%" out of my mouth. I keep telling myself maybe it's a girl, maybe, just maybe it is a girl-after all I am new to chickens and have never had any barreds before. Maybe my regular rooster had a frog in his throat and was just having an "off crow". I'm sure it happens, I don't judge.

It's name is Marge.
Ah.... "she" will be delicious. Noisy at first, but delicious. I had the same gorgeous bird from my brown egg layer package from Meyer Hatchery... "Roo" was the prettiest bird I had, but he was obnoxiously loud in short order... I would say 11 weeks or so. Good luck. He. err I mean she is a pretty chicken.
Thanks to everyone who is lying to my face! I appreciate it. I can't wait for his first big brown egg. What a day that will be.

Could he be an Ameraucana-Cochin mix? I have a few of those running around being broodies. One of them is so ugly it's adorable! I need to get good pictures of them but they take off anytime I go near. SAVE THE BABIES, MUST SAVE THE BABIES, OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD GET THE BABIES OUT OF HERE! I made the mistake of picking up a chick once, and they will never let me live it down.

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