Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"No, not really. Makes it convenient to hunt when banished out here. Of course I never thought I would be banished, but the past is the past."
Luna was astonished by his lack of anger, at least on the outside, towards the mansion-dwellers. He seemed so calm and peaceful, even in their new wretched situation. She should probably take notes. She replied quickly, "Yeah, you're right to put that to rest."
(Tory, the little girl, is who I have at the mansion.)

Tory trotted outside to the garden. She loved the tomatoes, but she was supposed to get some onions for the cook. "Wait... Which ones are the onions?" She mumbled, trying to distinguish the many plants. "Ummm.... This one?" she pulled up a plant. "Oops, that's not it!" she exclaimed, trying to replant the tiny carrot she had pulled up.
Eva replied softly "Just me. I'm curious about them, I just got here and have never seen one before." She looked around the tent awkwardly, trying to avoid her accusing look and stare.
Raquel glared at her, trying to tell whether or not she was telling the truth. She decided that this girl wasn't a threat, and relented her fierce glare. "I've seen a few tracks which are much fainter than human tracks, but they're so faint they disappear as soon as they hit the leaves."
(Tory, the little girl, is who I have at the mansion.)

Tory trotted outside to the garden. She loved the tomatoes, but she was supposed to get some onions for the cook. "Wait... Which ones are the onions?" She mumbled, trying to distinguish the many plants. "Ummm.... This one?" she pulled up a plant. "Oops, that's not it!" she exclaimed, trying to replant the tiny carrot she had pulled up.
Walking back from the corral, Acan spotted the child in the garden. She looked a bit flustered as she was trying to replant a carrot. He changed course and approached her, trying not to look menacing.
"Ya can't replant 'em once they outta the ground, kiddo," Acan stated gently. "Don't worry none though, even the little ones is useful. But if ya need help finding sumthin, I'll direct ya on over to the proper place. So, little lady, what was it that you were lookin' fer?" His massive brown hands gestured as he spoke.
Raquel glared at her, trying to tell whether or not she was telling the truth. She decided that this girl wasn't a threat, and relented her fierce glare. "I've seen a few tracks which are much fainter than human tracks, but they're so faint they disappear as soon as they hit the leaves."
Eva nodded, fascinated by her story. She couldn’t be more amazed by creatures she hadn’t even seen, which somberly reminded her they probably wanted her dead. This was no joke, this was the real world, and it was dangerous.
Hector's ears pricked at the rustling of branches outside. Could be nothing, but it could be a human. He shifted into a raven and flew silently out of the window. It was an ave, a female one. Hector let out a few alarmed aws to alert the ones in the shed.

Quickly, Persepolis drew her bow on the raven. She had seen the Aves boy transform into the bird. She stares him down, taking care to aim at the bird's heart but doesn't shoot.
"I saw you transform and I know you're an Aves", she said, "Show yourself in your Aves form. I'm not here to cause you harm."
She studied the bird. No doubt the others inside the cabin had heard him. She didn't inherently trust this boy; he made her nervous.
Calming her breathing, and holding her aim steady, she hoped she wouldn't have to take the shot.
Walking back from the corral, Acan spotted the child in the garden. She looked a bit flustered as she was trying to replant a carrot. He changed course and approached her, trying not to look menacing.
"Ya can't replant 'em once they outta the ground, kiddo," Acan stated gently. "Don't worry none though, even the little ones is useful. But if ya need help finding sumthin, I'll direct ya on over to the proper place. So, little lady, what was it that you were lookin' fer?" His massive brown hands gestured as he spoke.

Tory jumped a bit when Acan spoke, but calmed quickly. "Really? Even something this small?" she asked, looking at the tiny carrot. "I need to get some onions for the cook."

Eva nodded, fascinated by her story. She couldn’t be more amazed by creatures she hadn’t even seen, which somberly reminded her they probably wanted her dead. This was no joke, this was the real world, and it was dangerous.
Raquel let out a rare smile at this girls reaction. "You know why their tracks are so faint?" she asked.

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