Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Raquel followed Eva, mulling over what she had heard. She picked up their weapons after they had left and handed Eva's to her. "Huh. The safety's on." she remarked.

(He and Hector can be lonely together.)
Eva looked down, turning the safety off and making sure the gun wasnt chambered. She suggested, a bit of a chill going down her spine “It was probably some of their magic they used.”
Virio followed, confused as to what he was getting himself into. But if it meant getting a chance with Eclipsa, then perhaps it would be worth it. He followed her to wherever she was going, walking alongside her, glancing around for anyone who might try to harm them. He asked, genuinely interested in her response, "Why do you want me to go back with you?", stopping, not proceeding until he heard her answer.

(ok, I’ll be on tmrw if u wanna continue)
(It was a nice nickname too hes going to cry ;( )
(NU Eclipsa will take the nickname, but dis has to be later today bc I dont have the heart to rp rn)

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