Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(@FrankieDoodle ) Luna had failed. Again. She had missed the tree, only landing two of her shots, the rest soaring into the dark forest. With a sigh, she levitated to go get them, eventually collapsing, not being able to sustain her levitation any longer. She had concentrated so hard all day, and now her energy was funneling away. With a tired grunt, she got up and walked to find the knives, looking around in the dark bushes and grass of the night.

(Thank you)
Stephen walked outside to take a little walk. After a few minutes he ran into Luna & saw her collapse to the ground. He jogged over, a worried look on his face. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked as she got up and started looking for something.
K! Sure, we can RP Lucas and Eva! Would you start?)
(I gotchu)
Eva returned to the side of the canyon, sitting down slowly, her muscles hurting after her training that day. She had also managed to catch a rabbit, which she had dropped off at camp. She simply sat at the edge of the canyon, thinking over the day, a little disappointed she didn’t spend time with Lucas.
(Thank you)
Stephen walked outside to take a little walk. After a few minutes he ran into Luna & saw her collapse to the ground. He jogged over, a worried look on his face. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked as she got up and started looking for something.
Luna looked up at him and responded tiredly, “Yeah Im fine. I’ve just been training all day and I’m too weak to levitate any more, that’s all.” She stood up, leaning against a tree for support, before asking “How was your day? What’d you do?”
Luna looked up at him and responded tiredly, “Yeah Im fine. I’ve just been training all day and I’m too weak to levitate any more, that’s all.” She stood up, leaning against a tree for support, before asking “How was your day? What’d you do?”

"Oh." Stephen paused "I-uh- took a walk." He said, a hint of guilt in his voice.

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