Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(Um. And just how are the rest of us supposed to react to this random Virio dude coming with her?)
(Fine by me. I have school in an hour and won't be able to RP all much until after school.)
Persepolis opened her eyes, squinting. She had fallen asleep, taking an hour's nap. The sun was farther in the sky now, it was about the afternoon. Still light.
Standing, she stretched and yawned. She put her trench coat back on. Time to start her third round of training.
Persepolis did a few sets of push-ups and jumping jacks, getting her blood flowing. She jogged in place. Did sit-ups. Finally ready, she prepared herself. Since she didn't have a real opponent to battle against, she would imagine one.
A hand grabbed her shoulder. Spun her around. Persepolis was facing a woman she didn't recognize. She had a pistol and a dagger. In a knee-jerk response, Persepolis drove her knee into the woman's stomach. She let go. Persepolis ducked to the woman's right. The woman got up, started coming after her. She grabbed Persepolis' arm. Persepolis hit her head. Then hit her elbow. The woman lost her grip. The woman's hand went for her dagger.
(I gotchu)
Eva returned to the side of the canyon, sitting down slowly, her muscles hurting after her training that day. She had also managed to catch a rabbit, which she had dropped off at camp. She simply sat at the edge of the canyon, thinking over the day, a little disappointed she didn’t spend time with Lucas.
Lucas watched her from the shadows of the trees, and stepped out. Standing behind her he said: "I'm sorry that we didn't go on that walk."

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