Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Persepolis smiled when he held her, obviously happy to be held by him. The ruffling of their feathers touching sent a shiver down her spine as well. She felt the sense of love and longing when he did that. She leaned in, giving him another quick kiss before whispering a question, "Want to stay here for a while longer, or go and do something today?" Her tone conveyed that she was okay with whatever he said and wouldn't be hurt by whatever he chose. She wanted to do something that Hector wanted to do for once, whatever that was.
Hector didnt quite get the memo that she was letting him choose, so instead he asked considerately “What would you like to do?” His mind was set on fulfilling her wishes, placing her before himself at all times. Hector added quickly, to display he didnt mind her choice, “I have no preference.” As he awaited an answer, his eyes drifted off to her beautiful wings, and how her feathers contrasted his as they touched tips.
River followed him, making sure to continue to hold his hand, letting her arm brush against his now and then. "Are we going anywhere in particular? Just curious, you seem to be leading us somewhere." She asked quietly, blushing. She didn't care if they went somewhere, or just simply walked around, she just wanted to be with him, and also away from the bodies.
Xylo assured gently, “Yes, I am taking you somewhere. I want you to see something.” His mind was set on getting there before the sun set, which he thought was reasonable with the pace that they were walking currently. He remembered everything about the spot. The clouds, the scarlet sunset, the quiet wind in the trees. He wanted to share it all with her, every emotion he had when he first saw it. Xylo was intended to distract her from the two bodies they had found earlier, and this was the perfect time to show her this unknown location.
Brid sighed in defeat and spread her wings to fly, ready to give up, when she heard a heartbeat. It was an Aves! She refolded her wings and turned toward the gentle sound. "Is someone there?" she called softly.
Eva looked around her, holding her gun tightly and pointing it at the space surrounding her. With the same soft tone, she responded “Yes. Come out where I can see you.”
Hector didnt quite get the memo that she was letting him choose, so instead he asked considerately “What would you like to do?” His mind was set on fulfilling her wishes, placing her before himself at all times. Hector added quickly, to display he didnt mind her choice, “I have no preference.” As he awaited an answer, his eyes drifted off to her beautiful wings, and how her feathers contrasted his as they touched tips.
Persepolis got the idea that he didn't catch that it was up to him. She decided, eventually, to tell him what she honestly wanted. She whispered, "I'm okay with doing anything, as long as it's with you" Persepolis reached down, taking his hand in hers. She added with a cute smile, "Any ideas?" Again giving him the chance to choose. She followed his gaze to their wings. Their wings were beautiful together.
Luna didnt answer immediately. She had never revealed her old name to anyone, and why should do it now? To a stranger? Well, then again, no one had asked, but the truth was she had never planned on letting anyone know. With an anxious sigh, she whispered out “Evelyn.” She had said it. Finally. After all these years. Luna choked out “You’re the only person other than me who knows that.”

Alec stayed silent, not knowing what to say. He was surprised that she told him that, & not anyone else. He wanted to say one of his very personal things, but didn't know what. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, or say something you didn't want to." Alec said after a few minutes. "I think it's my turn to say something personal. What do you want to know, if anything?" He asked, his voice light, signaling he wouldn't mind her asking something.
Eva looked around her, holding her gun tightly and pointing it at the space surrounding her. With the same soft tone, she responded “Yes. Come out where I can see you.”

Brid followed the voice until she came into view of a familiar-looking girl. "Hi, Eva," she said, recognizing her, "Last time I saw you you were a hunter."
Brid followed the voice until she came into view of a familiar-looking girl. "Hi, Eva," she said, recognizing her, "Last time I saw you you were a hunter."
Eva looked at her with confusion, before finally stammering “Brid? I thought you died in all the attacks in the mansion. How many have you lost?” Eva was happier than ever to know that she had never partaken in one of those attacks, especially as she was now a new Aves.
Alec stayed silent, not knowing what to say. He was surprised that she told him that, & not anyone else. He wanted to say one of his very personal things, but didn't know what. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, or say something you didn't want to." Alec said after a few minutes. "I think it's my turn to say something personal. What do you want to know, if anything?" He asked, his voice light, signaling he wouldn't mind her asking something.
Luna whispered softly, her emotions dying down like the fire before them, “I cant think of anything except...” She sighed, looking deep into his eyes as she prepared to question him. Then she did it. She asked the question that plagued her since she hd met him: “Why do you mask the kind and caring person you are behind a tough and cold persona?” She hoped she hadn’t angered him, but she had been dying to know.
Persepolis got the idea that he didn't catch that it was up to him. She decided, eventually, to tell him what she honestly wanted. She whispered, "I'm okay with doing anything, as long as it's with you" Persepolis reached down, taking his hand in hers. She added with a cute smile, "Any ideas?" Again giving him the chance to choose. She followed his gaze to their wings. Their wings were beautiful together.
Hector asked softly, a small smile growing on his facial expression, “Want to get lost in the woods? You and me?” A playful light shone in his eyes, hopeful that she wouldn’t object. Truth be told, there was no one he’d rather get lost with that her. He let go of her waist as he waited for answer, reluctantly lowering his wings only to notice there were other people in camp. What a shame it was that they didn’t have the world to themselves, he thought. But would that be a blessing or a curse?
Hector asked softly, a small smile growing on his facial expression, “Want to get lost in the woods? You and me?” A playful light shone in his eyes, hopeful that she wouldn’t object. Truth be told, there was no one he’d rather get lost with that her. He let go of her waist as he waited for answer, reluctantly lowering his wings only to notice there were other people in camp. What a shame it was that they didn’t have the world to themselves, he thought. But would that be a blessing or a curse?
Persepolis smiled, responding in the same tone, "I'd love to do that." She took lowered her wings and let go of him. She said softly, meeting his gaze, "lead the way." Persepolis was more than aware of the others in the camp but she didn't care. Her attention was on Hector and right now he was the only thing she cared about.

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