Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Luna didn't respond immediately. That had caught her off guard, to be completely honest. After a minute of pondering how to respond, she spoke up, explaining gently "But is that really the person you are? You find joy in killing others? Or is that something of your past that has stuck with you today. Sometimes we need to kill, I've killed before." Her expression was now meeker than before, as she didn't want to infuriate him; she had already seen the disgust in his face.

Alec sighed. How could she think he was good when he clearly wasn't? He killed people for no reason! "I want to change the subject." Alec said after a few minutes. "Are you a morning person or I night person?"
Persepolis also gave a little laugh, "Yeah I had a huge crush on you before you asked me out. I guess I was just waiting for you to ask me." She gave his hand a small squeeze, emphasizing her feelings for him. She admitted, "I'm really glad you did, though."
Hector smiled, admitting in the same manner, "Yeah, I had a crush on you basically ever since you came from the mansion. I am really glad I did too." He stayed silent for a little while, pondering on what to bring up next, eventually deciding to inquire "Do you prefer life here or at the mansion?" Hector assumed the answer was with the Banished, since she left to go join them, but he could be mistaken.
Alec sighed. How could she think he was good when he clearly wasn't? He killed people for no reason! "I want to change the subject." Alec said after a few minutes. "Are you a morning person or I night person?"
Great, she had ticked him off. Luna responded quietly, the mood clearly dampened, "A night person." She apologized in a sincere yet reserved tone, "I'm sorry for asking." She had only seen it fair to ask a question like that since he had asked her a personal question and he had explained she could do so, but it appeared she had chosen the worst possible question to ask.
Eva looked at her with confusion, before finally stammering “Brid? I thought you died in all the attacks in the mansion. How many have you lost?” Eva was happier than ever to know that she had never partaken in one of those attacks, especially as she was now a new Aves.

"There were attacks?" Brid crouched, head in her hands, shock washing over her. "When? What happened? I left looking for the Banished weeks ago. I had no idea."
Great, she had ticked him off. Luna responded quietly, the mood clearly dampened, "A night person." She apologized in a sincere yet reserved tone, "I'm sorry for asking." She had only seen it fair to ask a question like that since he had asked her a personal question and he had explained she could do so, but it appeared she had chosen the worst possible question to ask.

"No, don't be sorry. I told you you could ask me a question, I just wasn't expecting that, so it caught me off guard." Alec said, & smiled. "I'm an afternoon person."
Hector smiled, admitting in the same manner, "Yeah, I had a crush on you basically ever since you came from the mansion. I am really glad I did too." He stayed silent for a little while, pondering on what to bring up next, eventually deciding to inquire "Do you prefer life here or at the mansion?" Hector assumed the answer was with the Banished, since she left to go join them, but he could be mistaken.
Persepolis thought about it for a minute, taking her time to formulate her answer. Finally, she answered truthfully, "Honestly, I prefer life here. I have friends here, I have you here, I don't have to fight for my meals. Life at the mansion was really bad for me. I had it really hard. I never ate unless I stole and I never got help and was mostly ignored. I guess being ignored was somewhat my fault because I hid a lot. I didn't have much choice, though. Everytime anybody saw me I got pummeled and robbed of anything I had. At least here I have what feels like a family. My real family completely abandoned me, left me to die." Persepolis abruptly stopped talking, clearly not wanted to reflect that much of her past life. She glanced away from Hector, feeling slightly vulnerable at having revealed that part of herself to him.
Persepolis thought about it for a minute, taking her time to formulate her answer. Finally, she answered truthfully, "Honestly, I prefer life here. I have friends here, I have you here, I don't have to fight for my meals. Life at the mansion was really bad for me. I had it really hard. I never ate unless I stole and I never got help and was mostly ignored. I guess being ignored was somewhat my fault because I hid a lot. I didn't have much choice, though. Everytime anybody saw me I got pummeled and robbed of anything I had. At least here I have what feels like a family. My real family completely abandoned me, left me to die." Persepolis abruptly stopped talking, clearly not wanted to reflect that much of her past life. She glanced away from Hector, feeling slightly vulnerable at having revealed that part of herself to him.
Hector didn’t answer immediately, he process all the information that had just been dumped on him. He decided to stop her in her tracks, pulling her close to him. He opened his arms and embraced her compassionately. She had gone through so much, and he had had no idea. She had always seemed so strong, so confident, so undaunted by the horror of the world that was around them. He whispered soothingly, stroking her hair gently “I’m sorry Persepolis, that to had to go through all that. It must’ve been awful to undergo all that. I hope I didn’t partake in any of those awful things that people did to you. And I’m sorry about your family.” All his words came from the heart, and one could hear it in his voice, soft with compassion.
"There were attacks?" Brid crouched, head in her hands, shock washing over her. "When? What happened? I left looking for the Banished weeks ago. I had no idea."
Eva nodded solemnly, even though the fact that she hadn’t found the Banished was good, it meant they were well hidden. With a nonchalant tone, Eva asked “Why are you looking for the Banished?” She didn’t want to reveal their location yet.
Hector didn’t answer immediately, he process all the information that had just been dumped on him. He decided to stop her in her tracks, pulling her close to him. He opened his arms and embraced her compassionately. She had gone through so much, and he had had no idea. She had always seemed so strong, so confident, so undaunted by the horror of the world that was around them. He whispered soothingly, stroking her hair gently “I’m sorry Persepolis, that to had to go through all that. It must’ve been awful to undergo all that. I hope I didn’t partake in any of those awful things that people did to you. And I’m sorry about your family.” All his words came from the heart, and one could hear it in his voice, soft with compassion.
Persepolis returned his embrace, leaning into him. She whispered back, "It's not your fault what happened to me. And you weren't ever involved in any of it." She added, a small note of heartbreak roughly healed in her voice, "Don't worry about my family. They're dead to me now. Besides, I guess I can thank them for forcing me to become who I am." She relaxed in his arms, taking refuge in him. She finally felt she had someone who would actually care about her.
"No, don't be sorry. I told you you could ask me a question, I just wasn't expecting that, so it caught me off guard." Alec said, & smiled. "I'm an afternoon person."
Luna smiled, trying to light the mood. She asked simply, continuing their question and answer series “What’s your favorite eye and hair color?”

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