Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

"For the best thing that has happened to me, going into the forest. For the worst thing, pretty much everything, but mainly when I was sixteen." Alec said, looking around.
Luna nodded, letting the silence take over once again. As the last embers of the fire died out, she asked curiously “So do you plan on staying on your forest your whole life or would you like to move out?”
Hector quickly helped her up, making sure she hadn’t suffered any apparent cuts or serious wounds. He gave her a small smile, responding “Well hold my hand the rest of the way so that you don’t fall down anymore.” He wanted to be there for her, even in small things like not being able to see in the dark. The rest of the walk home was slow, where Hector guided her gently and lovingly, making sure she didn’t fall again. He did this all out of a genuine care and prevailing love for her, that brought out the confidence within him, however little it was.
When they got back, Persepolis hugged him and whispered, "Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate it." She blushed as she met his gaze, making the sincerity of her thanks clear. In all honesty, Persepolis didn't want to leave. She had enjoyed spending time with him so much. But she knew that they both needed to sleep eventually.
Luna nodded, letting the silence take over once again. As the last embers of the fire died out, she asked curiously “So do you plan on staying on your forest your whole life or would you like to move out?”

"Yeah, I think it would be nice sometime in the future when I find the right spot to build a cabin, grow a garden, you know, stuff like that. The woods are nice because there's no chance of just running into someone you know, especially if they want you dead." Alec said, chuckling at the last part. "I would ask if you would ever want to go to an actual human town, but since you're an aves I don't think that would be possible anytime soon."
Eva nodded solemnly, even though the fact that she hadn’t found the Banished was good, it meant they were well hidden. With a nonchalant tone, Eva asked “Why are you looking for the Banished?” She didn’t want to reveal their location yet.

"I-I was raised by birds of the night after my parents died. I grew up with many of them. After they were Banished I was alone at the mansion because, well, I don't really know the others that well. I felt like an outcast and was treated like one, so I left." Brid replied.
"I-I was raised by birds of the night after my parents died. I grew up with many of them. After they were Banished I was alone at the mansion because, well, I don't really know the others that well. I felt like an outcast and was treated like one, so I left." Brid replied.
Eva nodded, asserting slowly, not sure if this was a move she wanted to make yet or not, “I could take you to the Banished if you want. I live with them now.” In doing so, she placed trust that Brid wouldn’t betray her or the location of the Banished, But was that something realistic? She wondered...but everyone deserved a chance.
"Yeah, I think it would be nice sometime in the future when I find the right spot to build a cabin, grow a garden, you know, stuff like that. The woods are nice because there's no chance of just running into someone you know, especially if they want you dead." Alec said, chuckling at the last part. "I would ask if you would ever want to go to an actual human town, but since you're an aves I don't think that would be possible anytime soon."
Luna smiled at his last comment, chuckling gently before responding “Yeah...I don’t know how well that would go. If some random girl showed up with wings and the ability to control things with her mind.” She ended the sentence there abruptly, realizing she had just revealed her power to Alec, and she wasn’t sure if she would pay for doing so. She simply shrugged it off, hoping he would be considerate about it in the same way he had been of her being an Aves when they had began warming up to each other.
When they got back, Persepolis hugged him and whispered, "Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate it." She blushed as she met his gaze, making the sincerity of her thanks clear. In all honesty, Persepolis didn't want to leave. She had enjoyed spending time with him so much. But she knew that they both needed to sleep eventually.
Hector smiled, blushing in return when she did, not being able to speak for a few moments. With a soft voice, he explained with a hint of a chuckle, “I can see you don’t want to leave either. Maybe we could just go to the edge of the camp area and hang out there?” He too, didn’t want everything to end, every moment with her felt utterly magical. He hoped she felt the same way about spending time with him. Then again, maybe she was tired...Hector added thoughtfully “But if you’re tired we can do that some other time, so no pressure.”
Luna smiled at his last comment, chuckling gently before responding “Yeah...I don’t know how well that would go. If some random girl showed up with wings and the ability to control things with her mind.” She ended the sentence there abruptly, realizing she had just revealed her power to Alec, and she wasn’t sure if she would pay for doing so. She simply shrugged it off, hoping he would be considerate about it in the same way he had been of her being an Aves when they had began warming up to each other.

Alec froze. She could control things with her mind? He tried to subtly move away from her. "What do you mean about the last part?" He asked trying to hide his slightly shaking voice. He looked straight ahead, not looking at her. His hand instinctually went to his slingshot. "Aves have powers besides having wings & turning into birds?"
Hector smiled, blushing in return when she did, not being able to speak for a few moments. With a soft voice, he explained with a hint of a chuckle, “I can see you don’t want to leave either. Maybe we could just go to the edge of the camp area and hang out there?” He too, didn’t want everything to end, every moment with her felt utterly magical. He hoped she felt the same way about spending time with him. Then again, maybe she was tired...Hector added thoughtfully “But if you’re tired we can do that some other time, so no pressure.”
Persepolis smiled, her eyes shining. She answered softly, "I'd love to do that. I really don't want to leave, you're right." She softly took his hand and motioned towards the edge of the camp area. "After you" she whispered with another smile. While she waited for him to take the lead, she stretched her wings out a little, fanning the feathers so that the moonlight glinted off of them.

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