Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

A gentle and wonderful shiver went up Persepolis' back as he kissed the back of her hand and touched her. She was loving it. She silently placed her other hand on his shoulder, her arm pressing gently against that side of his chest. She blushed again, her eyes finding his. She didn't need to say anything right now, the moment was perfect without words.
Hector didn't blush this time, instead he gained the confidence to move his other hand up to her cheek and brush against it, feeling the warm sensation of the blood behind her cheek. It was something he had seen Xylo done before to River, and Xylo was pretty good at what he did, so he wanted to see if she liked it in the same manner. He hoped she didn't take offence to him touching her face like that, instead that she would take it as a sign of his genuine affection for her.
Eva responded more somberly now, "Banished for the second time. A loner, roaming the woods, killing everyone he can get his hands on. He tried killing me when I was still human, and he was eyeing me funny when I came back alive." She paused, before continuing in a slightly embarrassed tone, "I'm scared of that man. I've never felt so much pain, I just wanted to die, for it to be all over."

"That's horrible." They walked in silence for a while. "I wonder what made him kinda go off the deep end, if you know what I mean," she said, twirling her finger at her temple. "He sounds crazy now. He was a little strange before, but at least he seemed sane. I didn't really know him that well. He was a bit unsocial, you know?"
Hector didn't blush this time, instead he gained the confidence to move his other hand up to her cheek and brush against it, feeling the warm sensation of the blood behind her cheek. It was something he had seen Xylo done before to River, and Xylo was pretty good at what he did, so he wanted to see if she liked it in the same manner. He hoped she didn't take offence to him touching her face like that, instead that she would take it as a sign of his genuine affection for her.
When Hector brushed his hand against her cheek she pulled him closer, right against her. Again, their wings rustled as they moved. She did the same to him, gently rubbing his cheek. Without breaking contact with him, she kissed him again softly. It was a clear sign that she loved what he was doing. Her arm that had been on his shoulder now slid around his waist delicately.
Luna maintained her blush, responding quickly and quietly "I think you'd look great. But that's just my opinion, so what do I know." She offered him an agreeable smile, keeping her gaze on his now while she waited for an answer.

"Oh? Any reason why you think I would look good with wings?" Alec asked. He flapped his arms back & fourth, pretending to have wings & smiled.
"Oh? Any reason why you think I would look good with wings?" Alec asked. He flapped his arms back & fourth, pretending to have wings & smiled.
Luna smiled and laughed at his pretend wings. She explained "The wings would match your hair, and they'd be powerful and strong. The sun could reflect off of your wings too..." Luna's voice trailed off as she imagined him some more, now fully daydreaming of him as an Aves...blushing once she realized he'd be really cute.
When Hector brushed his hand against her cheek she pulled him closer, right against her. Again, their wings rustled as they moved. She did the same to him, gently rubbing his cheek. Without breaking contact with him, she kissed him again softly. It was a clear sign that she loved what he was doing. Her arm that had been on his shoulder now slid around his waist delicately.
Hector placed a hand around her back, arching her frame slightly so that he could get a better kiss. His other hand stayed put on her cheek, gently rubbing against it still even as they kissed, even though he grasped her hand still, so that both of their hands conjoined together felt her blush, the warmth of her face. She meant so much to him, and the way he kissed her, with respect, delicately, gently, showed this for her. While his confidence had increased since being with her, he couldn't imagine kissing her passionately yet, they could work their way up to that.
"That's horrible." They walked in silence for a while. "I wonder what made him kinda go off the deep end, if you know what I mean," she said, twirling her finger at her temple. "He sounds crazy now. He was a little strange before, but at least he seemed sane. I didn't really know him that well. He was a bit unsocial, you know?"
Eva shrugged, responding simply, "I never knew him like that. But the humans spoke about him all the time. They had so much respect and hatred at the same time. Respect because he was the most lethal man in the whole forest, but hatred because he killed hordes of humans." She added somewhat nervously "He was banished after Lucas came home with me, where he protected me from everyone else and helped explain everything."

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