Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Persepolis gave a small laugh in return, "I am. I can barely see you too, but I know you're here with me and that's all that matters." Her blush faded as she smiled. She felt safer and happy with him here, but now her hearing sharpened to it's fullest. She was most vulnerable in the dark and tried to listen in on every sound around them to avoid trouble.
Hector drew her in to an embrace, sensing her heightened senses to detect any foreign or unknown sounds. He loved that about her, that sense of awareness and aptitude she had to survive here in the forest. His hug was a beacon of comfort for her, hopeful reliance in the world of pain they found themselves in, with the war that waged around them, which they had tried to stay out of but were inevitably entwined in the mess due to the wings they wore on their backs.
Luna sighed in fake defeat, before nodding and admitting "I guess it is. I normally don't blush like this ever, but around you..." Her voice trailed off, he had already gotten enough info to know what was going on. She had a crush on him and it showed, but she suspected he had no interest in her, so she was very reserved about it.

"Please don't say something cheesy like "around you, I feel butterflies I need my stomach" or "with you, I feel like I could do anything." That's annoying." Alec said. When he said things he hoped she wouldn't say, he spoke in a really girly voice, pretending to faint.
"Please don't say something cheesy like "around you, I feel butterflies I need my stomach" or "with you, I feel like I could do anything." That's annoying." Alec said. When he said things he hoped she wouldn't say, he spoke in a really girly voice, pretending to faint.
Luna offered him a genuinely entertained smile, responding "I won't promise. That's why I left it at that, I didn't want to make anything cheesy." She paused, before adding in a slightly more serious tone "I'm aware it's probably a one-sided thing, so don't mind it. I won't annoy you about it or anything." He voice had the smallest inkling of sorrow in it, barely detectable, a result of that being the unfortunate case, at least in her mind.
Luna offered him a genuinely entertained smile, responding "I won't promise. That's why I left it at that, I didn't want to make anything cheesy." She paused, before adding in a slightly more serious tone "I'm aware it's probably a one-sided thing, so don't mind it. I won't annoy you about it or anything." He voice had the smallest inkling of sorrow in it, barely detectable, a result of that being the unfortunate case, at least in her mind.

"I never said I didn't like you." Alec said. He heard the hint of sadness in her voice. "Don't be upset, there are many better guys out there than me. Ones that aren't so complicated."
Hector drew her in to an embrace, sensing her heightened senses to detect any foreign or unknown sounds. He loved that about her, that sense of awareness and aptitude she had to survive here in the forest. His hug was a beacon of comfort for her, hopeful reliance in the world of pain they found themselves in, with the war that waged around them, which they had tried to stay out of but were inevitably entwined in the mess due to the wings they wore on their backs.
Persepolis hugged him back, moved that he had embraced her so nicely. She was comforted by it. Not breaking contact with him she asked softly, "Want to stay out here or head back?" She asked it so kindly, so gently that it conveyed her willingness to go with either decision or whatever he wanted. She added, "Whatever you want to do."
Eva shrugged, responding simply, "I never knew him like that. But the humans spoke about him all the time. They had so much respect and hatred at the same time. Respect because he was the most lethal man in the whole forest, but hatred because he killed hordes of humans." She added somewhat nervously "He was banished after Lucas came home with me, where he protected me from everyone else and helped explain everything."

"Hmm," Brid tried to think of a good answer, but was distracted by the sounds of the voices they were nearing. "How much farther to camp?"
"I never said I didn't like you." Alec said. He heard the hint of sadness in her voice. "Don't be upset, there are many better guys out there than me. Ones that aren't so complicated."
Luna didn't understand his words, and asked courteously and politely, in a meek tone, not wanting to cause any more conflict, "But the Aves at the mansion hate me. There is no one that likes me like that at the cabin either, and most humans want me dead." She didn't directly state that he was her realistic only option, and that she wouldn't have it any other way, but she was certainly implying it.
"Hmm," Brid tried to think of a good answer, but was distracted by the sounds of the voices they were nearing. "How much farther to camp?"
Eva replied simply, "Few seconds away, really." And she didn't lie. A little while later they stood before the cabin. Eva let Brid soak everything in, taking a step back to allow her to do so, ready to walk in when she was.
Persepolis hugged him back, moved that he had embraced her so nicely. She was comforted by it. Not breaking contact with him she asked softly, "Want to stay out here or head back?" She asked it so kindly, so gently that it conveyed her willingness to go with either decision or whatever he wanted. She added, "Whatever you want to do."
Hector responded gently, in a little more direct tone, "It's getting late, and we should probably go to sleep. I'd love to stay here all night with you, but that's simply not realistic." He paused, analyzing her reaction, before continuing in an optimistic tone, "Want to do something tomorrow? I'd love to if you're around." Hector wanted to leave knowing he had something to look forward to, since he would eventually have to let go of her for the night.
Luna didn't understand his words, and asked courteously and politely, in a meek tone, not wanting to cause any more conflict, "But the Aves at the mansion hate me. There is no one that likes me like that at the cabin either, and most humans want me dead." She didn't directly state that he was her realistic only option, and that she wouldn't have it any other way, but she was certainly implying it.

"Well, certainly you could find another human, one that's not a hunter. I know a guy who knows a guy that would love to hook up with you." Alec teased. He grabbed another log & threw it into the fire.

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