Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Xylo sat up in the bed, giving her a mischievous smile before he stood up. He eyed her out the corner of his eye, stating ambiguously "I'll have to plan something for us to do. Leave you guessing about it all day." He paused, before he added affectionately "Have a nice day, my angel."
Eva responded in turn "I slept well too, it makes me feel safer sleeping alongside you, in case that man was to come back again. SO thank you for letting me share your room, I hope its not too bad."
River got up, stretching until her back gave a satifying crack. "I will, and you better have a good day too, Werewolf."
Lucas grinned, joking: "Oh, well, ya know, it's only a small bad, you do snore after all." He grew serious. "I'm only joking. You don't have to thank me, besides, you don't actually snore so..." A look of mischief flickered in his eyes.
Luna returned the friendly smile, even though her mind has obviously drifted off somewhere else. After a little while of pondering, she responded in turn "I sure hope so too..." Her eyes finally returned to her friend, after her contemplation. Specifically, it had to do with how that could happen, what she could do to make it so.
Persepolis thought about what to say until her stomach growled. They had been here through the night and it was time to eat. Remembering the venison in the cellar she asked Luna politely, "Are you hungry?"
River got up, stretching until her back gave a satifying crack. "I will, and you better have a good day too, Werewolf."
Lucas grinned, joking: "Oh, well, ya know, it's only a small bad, you do snore after all." He grew serious. "I'm only joking. You don't have to thank me, besides, you don't actually snore so..." A look of mischief flickered in his eyes.
Xylo smile satisfactorily, as he left to exit the building and begin his day, which actually would involve him marking a map of the area he had found in the cabin. Admittedly, he also had in mind something to do with River later, and that wasn't as easy to think up.
Eva groaned as he toyed with her emotions, not sure if she did in fact snore or not. That flicker of mischief only played with her more; she loved it when the two joked around, and didn't mind it whatsoever. She got out of her bed and got on his crawling over him so she stared down at him, before she asked teasingly "What if I told you you snore."
Persepolis thought about what to say until her stomach growled. They had been here through the night and it was time to eat. Remembering the venison in the cellar she asked Luna politely, "Are you hungry?"
Luna admitted honestly "No, not really." She let the silence settle in before she suggested "I know you are, so maybe while you eat I was thinking of visiting Alec if that's fine with you? Maybe you can see Hector and then we meet up later?" She hoped Persepolis wouldn't feel replaced or anything...
Luna admitted honestly "No, not really." She let the silence settle in before she suggested "I know you are, so maybe while you eat I was thinking of visiting Alec if that's fine with you? Maybe you can see Hector and then we meet up later?" She hoped Persepolis wouldn't feel replaced or anything...
Persepolis nodded, "Yeah, that's fine with me. I hope you can find Alec." She gave Luna a small smile before standing and stretching her wings.
Persepolis nodded, "Yeah, that's fine with me. I hope you can find Alec." She gave Luna a small smile before standing and stretching her wings.
Luna smiled as she stood as well, heading in the direction of Alec's camp. Before she left, she teased "I hope you get a few more kisses from Hector today." Luna chuckled as she walked away, glad she could tease her friend like that.
(@FrankieDoodle u there?)
Luna smiled as she stood as well, heading in the direction of Alec's camp. Before she left, she teased "I hope you get a few more kisses from Hector today." Luna chuckled as she walked away, glad she could tease her friend like that.
(@FrankieDoodle u there?)
Persepolis walked off, heading back to the cabin to get something to eat.

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