Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

cute soap dispenser, now where are those other pics?
Nothing like chicks to raise your spirits now is there?



Also, I have 20 little chicks. And they are precious!
I thought about not adding this in...but decided it might make a difference for someone else.
I did have 21 chicks. That meant 8 eggs didn't died in the shell..I missed it somehow...the others never even pipped.
Got up Sunday morning..feeding chicks and chickens..noticed the T-shirt in the bottom of the wire cage I have for my chicks was pulled nearly out..and hung up in it was a little tiny chick. Dead.
My little Yorkie, who loves them...he lays down, and they climb over him...rolls on his tummy...he thinks they are his babies.
Anyway...had decided to pull the T-shirt...I'm guessing because as he pulled it...the chicks got closer and then this one was hung up, he never touched it...if he was going to hurt it, he could's little head and legs were hanging out. (sorry if that was graphic) Anyway.
I moved the cage onto an end table (plenty of room and wide enough) he can still see them...but not able to reach them as he could...accidents happen...and I guess it was live an learn.
Hope this helps somone.
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Oh, so cute Gwen!! I just use paper towels as the bedding for the little boogers and I still will lose one occasionally, accidents do happen. I am expecting some eggs to hatch very soon, today is day 19
YEAH Ozark!!

You must post pic.'s!! Are these your Orpington's?

The Rev. is at the hospital again today...this one will be an 'all-dayer'....

It's almost a 2 hour drive to the hospital...and the surgery is set for 6-8 hours... he left about 6:00 this morning....poor is very cold out, and he seemed to have a congestion. He gets chest colds so very quickly.
I tried to bundle him up...
He grabbed a coat, no gloves, hat or scarf... I tell him how attractive he looks bundled...( he does, but the main thing is I'm trying to bribe him into taking care of himself...
Has the snow and ice began for ya'll yet?

We had our Singing Supper last night...and I learned how to crochet a granny square!

Who knew it was that easy?!!
Laughing would not believe how many times Murmering Marilyn pulled my stitches out! She did teach that's saying something!
good job on the granny square P's wife! My blue orp looked like that when he was a chick. It looks like they have dark legs?? P.M. Miss Prissy and Speckled Hen..orps and They are so much more experienced than I.
Nope no bad weather as yet, weatherman says the kids should all be home from school before it starts. We have the generator on the porch and I am heading for the feed store now to stock up.
How is your day going?
Thank you. I haven't had a chance to talk to the farmer, nor has the Rev.
Worried, the weather is starting to get bad...and the woman is still in surgery.

I know I'm a fusspot....can't help it...
Oh, some of their legs 2 or 3 have feathers down there legs...the other black ones don't...the black ones all have black legs...and
1 of the white one has feathers down it's legs.
sweet little mutts...

My Welsummers are growing by leaps and bounds...I need to take a picture of them....however, that can wait...the wind blows straight up my skirt today, and my ear hurts when the wind hits it.
And......(drum roll) I am almost 100% positive they are all 3 HENS!

No large combs, the tail feathers are the same...oops phone ringing again.

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