Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Lot's has been going on here at the Parsonage....
I'm in the midst of several projects...2 of which are really keeping me hopping!
The one I want to show ya'll today is....hands.
Our ladies retreat is coming up in March....and the theme is "Pearl of Great Price"....
For the table centerpieces...I wanted hands with a large pearl in them. I ordered a jeweler's hand for the centerpiece in the church...but in the fellowship hall, the tables for lunch ....well, that's what I wanted..
Spoke to the Rev. about it, and he came up...instantly, and I had worried this around for over a week!

Putty and a the putty he uses quite often is the plaster of paris.
We tried it on 2 gloves just a few minutes waiting on them to dry.
Going to town this afternoon...(He figured out his phone was off!) (Sorry, that's another story) and we've got to meet some folks over there....

Sooooo....more pictures to follow, as they progress.


I actually wanted they would be standing up...but that didn't work...and had to grab some I can get the mess of them...

Ok...adding in more pictures...I came home and took off the gloves..this is my project thus far.

Kinda large...but still hoping....
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OZARK HEN--- The book came in the mail today!!!
Thank you...I'm going to set down and read it this evening! May have a late night...

Thank you so much. You are a dear.
boy, that book took a long time getting there now didn't it?
Let me know if you like it. Now don't tell me you do if you don't as I will bombard you with ones like it.

Now the gloves are interesting. Can't wait to see them finished.
The hands are neat!! You are so entergetic and creative. Really something a preacher's wife needs to be or it helps to be.

Hasn't the weather been wonderful in Arkansas? I planted beets in planters and planted some tomato seeds in cups for the window seal.

Thank you...I do run low on steam somedays...

The Rev. brought me in 24 eggs for hatching...I reminded him I was on a list for Silkies...he just smiled!

It is addictive! My chickens are doing well. My Welsummers have grown so much...I knew they said..."fast growing bird"...not kidding!
And what darling personalities they have. They love to be with me.
I worked in the yard yesterday morning, and they just followed me around quite content.
Update....somehow, I don't know...I missed a little chick that is crippled. It's leg is bent and turned at the joint. It hops and walks...just with a limp. How did I miss it? I don't have the heart to kill it, unless it should show signs of pain.

If I was a gossipy gal, I could fill ya'll in on the day I had!

Rolling Romeo was 'busy'...he's making date"s"...that is plural...for the Valentines Banquet at church! Whew...not sure what to expect

It's a formal occasion, and I've got to figure out what to wear!
The Rev. is easy...a dark suit and tie...I don't think he has a red one...may need to think on that...the children...well, I've got them some fancy little outfits...and my son calls them...he will be wearing "preacher pants!"

I bought some shoes awhile back (never fear...yardsale 50 cents) and I haven't got to wear them yet! I believe this may be the time.
The church ladies quilting is slow going...I've talked them into quilting for fundraisers...and it's kinda slow. Plus we are making lap blankets for our nursing home. And that's kinda slow too....
I can sew, however..I didn't know how to crochet beyond single and now...well, I'm doing good!

I'm working on the last details of the Ladies Conf. for March. and the menu is down to dessert. I'm thinking of a tiered cake...I saw a cake stand with large pearls...this would work perfect with our theme..."Pearl of Great Price". I want an elegant look, and I want it to be a time of fellowship and fun. I've got some skits I've written that I hope goes over well. We've got to start practicing them...
We giggle to much. (At least that's the Rev.'s opinion)

The weather has been lovely!
They say storms are coming this week. I know the Red Cross people who have been working at my Sisters church...(she still doesn't have electricity) said they were on high alert beginning Monday for tornados.
The tornado hit our town, wiped it out on Feb. 25...scared of those things.
so much more to say...and I've got to go!
Ya'll come
Good morning Gwen! Hon, if you can single crochet then find someone who can crochet to show you the other stitches. So easy have the hard part down. LOL
for cake stands...what about the lovely ones you just bought?
You must take pics of the event and post them. are the hands with the first coat of black paint on them.
Went to LR was a very productive day...found almost everything I needed.

Goodness, I could spend so much money in that Hobby Lobby store...
so many ideas....projects....

Had to seperate one of the chicks. It had been pecked on the tailfeather area when I returned home. Will keep it seperate for a coupla days, and then re-introduce to little chicks...

Eggs are turning....I still have not purchased an egg turner...
They are a lovely dark brown. Will take excited to see the 'outcome'.

Also ran into a snag....the company I ordered the centerpiece hand from had an email waiting for me when we got home last night...."out of stock"!!

so...I've got to search again.
Next week, I'm hoping to share some 'important' news. I can't talk about it now...but

my stomach is tied in knots, and if I let myself think about it...I get kinda light headed and have to sit down....I'm a bundle of nerves.

Did ya'll know it will Easter before we know it? We came here to this church 3 Easter's ago. Time has not flown, except when I look at my children. Then I wonder where time has gone.


Edited to add in a picture of the pearls...they are working great!
Very excited about them....
the only thing I had to put them on to paint was a candlestick...
oh, works.

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Somehow, in the midst of Winter, Spring is coming.
Little buds are beginning to appear on trees, and the sound of cropdusters have begun again. Just this morning, as I was feeding chickens, one flew over....and waved their 'wings'. (We always wave at them)...haven't seen my yellow plane this year so far. This one was grey, all over grey.

I went back to be with my family during a difficult time (my nephew was having surgery...he's doing good) and came home with 12 broke. So now, I've added them to my current 18 for the other eggs is Thursday. I've got to plug up the..."pitiful" bator today and get it the temps stablilized.
My FIL has asked for some baby chicks...(it's contagious!)

I've been really busy with the upcoming conf. lot going on, and not much time left to get things done!! I've haven't even been able to visit here in days!!

We have a small church trip coming up Friday...we are headed to Hot Springs to hear a minister. Leaving early enough to go shopping
Nah, but definitely eat somewhere! (ya know ya have to eat out if ya go on a trip!!

Sat. is D-day for Angel Food...and then we can start decorating the fellowship hall! I've been getting RSVP's and I feel a little knot forming in my stomach. Praying all goes well, and 'everyone' has a wonderful time!!
Well, school is in session....
Ya'll come

The Parson's Wife

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