Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Been a while since I've updated, so for those of you who are still wondering...

Mom has been in and out of the hospital 5 times since September. She is currently residing on the floor I am working on tonight, but is hoping to be discharged later today. She has had a tough go of things these past few weeks, but maybe with a little help from above we can keep her home for the holidays.

Given the circumstances with mom's health, and me as the primary caregiver when it comes to her medications, I am looking into transferring back to the community college here in town. I am currently in a batchelors program, and this would take me back to a associates program, but it would be cheaper and closer to home, not the hour commute every day one way. There are alot of pros and cons that have been weighed, but in the end I feel it is what I have to do at this time.

Chris lost his job two weeks ago. For those of you who may not know, he was terminated in June as the result of a med error. This should have never happened in the first place, and so he fought fair treatment for two months and won. He was reinstated, however he was placed on 90 day probation. His 90 days would have been up 4 days after the date they terminated him again. This time there was a question on his documentation. Under "normal" circumstances, he would have been allowed to strike and amend the charting, it happens all the time, but since his boss was literally looking for a reason (because he beat his decision via fair treatment the last time) he was let go. This time he was relieved. He was so sick of watching his back all the time... He actually took the news better than I did. I cried and he was the one telling me it was going to be ok. How backwards is that? I am confident, though, that he will find work elsewhere. He is an excellent paramedic, and I would trust my life with him. Work is not the same around here without him.... but he is happier since he's been gone. He has his applications in pretty much everywhere, so say extra prayers and keep your fingers crossed.

My health is improving, I have been diagnosed with Polycyctic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). I have started on Metformin, and a different kind of birth control, and so far, so good. I check my blood glucose once in the morning and once two hours after I take the medication, and so far they have been fine. I will follow up with OB/GYN in a few weeks to have my hormone levels drawn again. I hope they are getting to where they need to be, because I am feeling better. My ankle has since improved, all in all I would say I'm back to 80% with it. It still bothers me after working all night, but the swelling and pain overall are much better.

And last but not least, Chris and I are doing well. The man has the patience of a saint to put up with me and all my crazy. I mean, with everything thats been going on in these few short months, he's always been right there. Granted, there have been ups and downs, and at one point I showed up at his door thinking it was over, prepared with a speech about how I don't want to lose his friendship, no matter what... but once again, we pulled through. It's always "We'll get through this" never "I'll get through this" or "You'll get through this", always "we". He is not behind me 100% of the time, but beside me instead, and right now that is all that matters to me.
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Hunny!! Sounds like a good ending so far though--things could be alot worse--Momma is still fighting away and Chris is still by your side-Thats huge in the positive grand scheme of things
Mom was discharged yesterday and is back home.
And, as far as I know, Chris and I are still on for a road trip to Mt. Sterling to meet my big brother. I'm a little nervous, seeing as how Shawn is boisterous, abrasive, and protective.... but we'll see
Keeo your fingers crossed!

Sorry to hear your mom being ill..

And poor Chris... i BET he is glad to be out of that job where they were just looking to find any reason to nail him. He'll have much less stress in his life now...
Wishing him good luck on finding a new job!

Glad to hear the meds are working for you too!
Enjoy your trip to go see your big brother... (is he the cute one on the bike?)

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