Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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How are things going the past couple days, Debi? I've been thinking of you guys a lot.

It's been a pretty good week. Next week I am taking time off and we are going fishing. We need to go do things together while he still can. I am really looking forward to it too!!!
Ken has been diagnosed with stage IV emphysema - the end stage, which means he has 2 months to 4 years. 4 years if he is lucky and responds to treatment. It cannot be cured nor stopped, but can be slowed down.
My husband Ron was diagnosed with stage 4 emphysema 9 years ago. They told us the same thing, but THEY DON'T REALLY KNOW ANYTHING. Ron started on Advair and a rescue inhaler. He was switched to Symbicort with the resuce. Two years later they added Spiriva to the mix. He JUST went on oxygen this week. We have been absolutely diligent in keeping him from catching any respiratory ailments. If one of the kids or myself gets sick, we are quarantined. I clean with bleach & Dawn, Lysol and we keep hand sanitizer in the truck to use after being exposed to the "public". Ron doesn't really go many places, so he advoids germs. He hasn't had a cold in 4 years. While the emphysema will never get better, it has slowed down and is very gradual. We haven't had any hospitalizations in 4 years! Don't give up on long as you keep him from catching colds or the flu he won't have a major event to put him in the hospital. PM me if you wanna talk about it. I do understand how hard it is to watch, among other things. Hugs! :hugs zippity (aka Jean)
My husband Ron was diagnosed with stage 4 emphysema 9 years ago. They told us the same thing, but THEY DON'T REALLY KNOW ANYTHING.
Ron started on Advair and a rescue inhaler. He was switched to Symbicort with the resuce. Two years later they added Spiriva to the mix. He JUST went on oxygen this week.
We have been absolutely diligent in keeping him from catching any respiratory ailments. If one of the kids or myself gets sick, we are quarantined. I clean with bleach & Dawn, Lysol and we keep hand sanitizer in the truck to use after being exposed to the "public". Ron doesn't really go many places, so he advoids germs. He hasn't had a cold in 4 years. While the emphysema will never get better, it has slowed down and is very gradual. We haven't had any hospitalizations in 4 years!
Don't give up on long as you keep him from catching colds or the flu he won't have a major event to put him in the hospital.
PM me if you wanna talk about it. I do understand how hard it is to watch, among other things.

zippity (aka Jean)

We are getting better at seeing things in a better light. However he also atrial fibrillation (a-fib). He has been on oxygen about 50% of the time at home and never when we are out. He does get winded VERY quickly though and walks extremely slow and only in short distances. The first 6 weeks after he left the hospital were just horrible. He got chicken pox, then the flu, then an allergic reaction to something. It was AWFUL! Things are getting better now. We are going on a fishing trip this week.
Hope you have a wonderful time and catch lots of fish! You certainly deserve this break. Thinking of you guys lots.
I haven't read all the post just skimmed. But i'm glad he is doing ok. And i hope ya'll catch so many fish you think ya'lls arms are gonna fall off.
No fish. Not sad about it, we never even tried!!! We got there on Monday and just walked around, played some games, had dinner. Tuesday we took the boat out to test the new motor, tool around, check out the lake. THE HUGE LAKE! We were only on the west side of the lake for a portion of it and it took 4 hours. Wind came up, we went in. Wednesday it rained. This morning, the wind was blowing so hard we saw really big boats get knocked in one direction no matter how hard they tried, and tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so we came home.

We had a nice lobster dinner last night. I am glad to be home in a way. Anyone who has a tempurpedic bed will understand - those beds were HORRID!!!
Oh, I get it! So it's called "fishing" now...
It's been a very upsetting last few days. I understand how and why Ken would feel inadequate, but equating me yacking with two guys playing slots next to and behind me does NOT mean I am running to their room with them for a clandestine affair
. Two days later and he is still upset about it. I am an outgoing person, and even if one of them THOUGHT that, it just isn't gonna happen. For all I know, those two were a couple. Ugh.
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