Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Great news Debi. I hope every day brings more. Enjoy every minute with Ken. Jerry and I traveled as much as we could. When he got the motorized wheelchair we had a lift put in our van. I learned how to manage his meds and oxygen. When he could no longer travel we had great memories. Does Ken have any military service? The Los Angeles VA gave Jerry great treatment and were on top of all the latest treatments. Because of our low income without him working it was all at no cost. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Friends are necessary for your sanity during this time. PM me anytime
Great news Debi. I hope every day brings more. Enjoy every minute with Ken. Jerry and I traveled as much as we could. When he got the motorized wheelchair we had a lift put in our van. I learned how to manage his meds and oxygen. When he could no longer travel we had great memories. Does Ken have any military service? The Los Angeles VA gave Jerry great treatment and were on top of all the latest treatments. Because of our low income without him working it was all at no cost. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Friends are necessary for your sanity during this time. PM me anytime

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! No military experience that he can claim..... LOL! We drove to Big Bear Lake today to see how he handled the elevation and it did slow him down some, but that is all. We actually had a FANTASTIC day on the lake. The temps here at home were 95 and up there it was 75. It is really nice having a huge fresh water lake 45 minutes away. We parked the boat at a dock my a restaurant/dog park and ate on the patio and were greeted by about 20 different dogs. It was really cool. And funny to see their owners running after them. Hey a dog likes a good burger as much as we do!
I love burgers!

We have a wedding date. December 24, 2012. I told him on Saturday when his SIL was poking him to file divorce papers (they have been apart for over 10 years) I said "You can talk to him about, I am never saying another word". I guess he decided it was time.
Congratulations, Debi! Great news after some wonderful days, it sounds like. Wedding bells!

Regarding him getting divorced, that is of utmost importance. We had a friend whose life partner passed away a few years ago. Her gentleman friend had never gotten divorced from his wife, although they had been separated for years. Our friend had no legal rights to plan his funeral, to the house they shared, to anything titled in his name - his wife was the one legally entitled to everything (there was no will, you hopefully have all that worked out) - but if she is still married to him, it can get very sticky. I am glad that's getting resolved!
Congratulations, Debi! Great news after some wonderful days, it sounds like. Wedding bells!
Regarding him getting divorced, that is of utmost importance. We had a friend whose life partner passed away a few years ago. Her gentleman friend had never gotten divorced from his wife, although they had been separated for years. Our friend had no legal rights to plan his funeral, to the house they shared, to anything titled in his name - his wife was the one legally entitled to everything (there was no will, you hopefully have all that worked out) - but if she is still married to him, it can get very sticky. I am glad that's getting resolved!

I so totally agree. The license is not so important to us, but biblically it is required, and there is all that stuff after death too. So here we go!!!!
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