Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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The doc DID just change some of his meds to more effective treatments. And his need for the Xanax is not constant, but he does have anxiety. Of course he does! He has been told he is terminal! He did get up last night and eat, then came back to bed and slept well.
The new meds or their timing may be the problem. He might talk with the doctor if this continues to be a problem. Some drugs just agree with some people better than others or adjusting the dose or timing may be appropriate. Good communication with a good doc is the best treatment. Of course xanax is a good choice to help him relax in order to sleep. There is nothing more frightening than fighting to get your breath. It sounds like your doc is on the right track, but sometimes different medications have to be tried and tweaked to suit the individual. There isn't just one answer. The secret is the best answer for Ken.
The new meds or their timing may be the problem. He might talk with the doctor if this continues to be a problem. Some drugs just agree with some people better than others or adjusting the dose or timing may be appropriate. Good communication with a good doc is the best treatment. Of course xanax is a good choice to help him relax in order to sleep. There is nothing more frightening than fighting to get your breath. It sounds like your doc is on the right track, but sometimes different medications have to be tried and tweaked to suit the individual. There isn't just one answer. The secret is the best answer for Ken.
I honestly trust this doctor more than any other doctor I have ever seen. She is not a pill pusher, she actually cares about the condition of her patients, and that is rare. At least around here it is.
So how did it go? or is it run tests and sit on pins and needles time? (I hope they find some way to help cut his meds but keep him well, I worry about anyone who is on lots of drugs (yes I know he needs them ))....
Actually he is on far fewer drugs now than he was before and they are more effective, so I am very happy about that. She wants him to do a sleep study because he only seems to sleep a few hours at a time and has trouble going back to sleep, and then he has this gross growth on his left hand, and that is scheduled to be removed on 3/8.

SUMI!!! When did you become a mod?? CONGRATS and HIGH FIVE and all that!!!
I'm so glad to hear he's getting proper treatment now and I hope they can help him sleep better too. Good luck with that and everything else

Sunday. Thank you!
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