Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Ken has been diagnosed with stage IV emphysema - the end stage, which means he has 2 months to 4 years. 4 years if he is lucky and responds to treatment. It cannot be cured nor stopped, but can be slowed down. We have both quit smoking, which is really the only thing we can do to slow it down.

Selling off the chickens and ducks, due to the dust out there (we live in a very dry climate). The rabbits have been all sold off. We are keeping the goats for lawnmowers, since the land is so large. There are so few things Ken can do now, we need to downsize just about everything.

We went to the college yesterday, he is a full time student since losing his job last May, and it took him and hour to get from the bookstore to the parking lot, and that just about broke my heart. So we bought a scooter today. At least he can get around campus.

I called 911 last Sunday morning, and he spent time in ICU and with a pulmonologist, and was sent home Thursday night as there is nothing more they can do for him.

We have been told it is a day to day thing.

Prayers for your family!
Hoping that no news is good news... just thinkin' bout you guys today.
No news is good news. He is enjoying running the deli, the oxygen helps greatly. He has a tendancy to be a butthead when I get on the phone with ANYONE and last night was fun. NOT. I am also getting sick AGAIN!!!. The entire left side of my head is itching and runny. ICK!
I did not wake up all crusty, so that is good news, but I am still sneezing like nobody's business. Ugh.

Aw, I feel for you!!! *hugs* My little baby cuz had the sneezes and decided sneeze right in my face! Ew! Baby snot!
Prayers for Ken please. He has a HUGE growth on his left hand that is being removed and diagnosed on 3/8. It was benign at the time that they punch biopsied it, but that was on the outer edge and it has grown extensively since then. I pray is it just a cyst.

He took a breathing test today and his oxygen was at 93%. 2% below the best case scenario. Which isn't really all that bad!!!! He came in the bedroom at 5 am and laid straight down on top of me and said "I made it". Which means he knows he can die and I won't have a huge funeral bill to pay!

Hmmm, as far as I know cancer (tumors) on the hand are very rare. Cysts are quite common in the hand. I had one taken out years ago. Let's hope that's all it is. :)
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