Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Good luck with the PET scan. They are very risky, but are worth it in the long run. I hope all your other visits go well too.
Thank you. They told him he can't be around kids for 6 hours after the scan
How come?

So sorry this is all happening to some of the best people I know on BYC! *~*HUGS!*~*PRAYERS*~*
A PET scan is where they inject what is called a tracer into the blood stream and it is radioactive. No sense in lighting the kids up so they glow in the dark.

The PET scan involves a glucose mixture with radioactive materials. Cancer cells RUN towards any sugar in the body, so tonight he can have nothing to eat but protein and NO dairy products except eggs (we all know they are wonderful). So the radioactivity combined with the glucose will give an accurate reading as to where the cancer may or may not have spread.
I'm so sorry to hear this troubling news, how hard for you and your family.
I dunno why G_D hands us these situations sometimes but I do know that if you just put on your best face and wait long enough no matter what your future is one that you will be happy to be in. I'll be praying for you and yours. Be Well.
I'm so sorry to hear this troubling news, how hard for you and your family.
I dunno why G_D hands us these situations sometimes but I do know that if you just put on your best face and wait long enough no matter what your future is one that you will be happy to be in. I'll be praying for you and yours. Be Well.

My husband has recurring cancerous polyps in his stomach and has to have this done ever so often to make sure they are not making happy elsewhere. I must confess I sleep on the couch for a week or two after the test.
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