Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Oh Lord, I am SOOO sorry for not updating here, I totally thought I had until just this moment!!!!

The cancer has NOT metastisized to any other organs!!!! Not yet anyways. They are wanting to do the surgery on his hand next Tuesday and biopsy the sentinel lymph node and two others. If there are no cancer cells, then he is free and clear and will need a PET scan every 6 months for 5 years. If there is cancer then he will have radiation and immunotherapy. Big word, no understanding of it yet.

Thing is, will he live 5 years with the emphysema??
He can. My grandfather had it for a long time. It just depends on how advanced it is. Sounds like pretty good news on the cancer part. Glad it was caught early.
Practice in the sense that they may have to do things they have never seen or done. That maybe no one has seen or done. It can be quite a challenge to work on living beings, every single one unique in their reaction to medications and illnesses.

That is such great news Deb, what a relief. A Pet scan every 6 months - Ken will be glowing!
I'm glad you guys got some good news
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