Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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The surgery SOUNDS horrible. They are doing a skin graft since he won't have enough skin to close it and he has to wear a pump for a week
I just wanted to pop in and let you know that through alllllll 161 pages of this thread, I have prayed for you on almost every page!

I really hope what is happening in the next few days/weeks goes ok, and he is in not much pain from his surgery.

Congrats on your wedding, and the babies :)
We arrived home today at about 1:00 pm. By the time I got him settled, got the meds filled and home again it was close to 3:30 pm. Fed the man, son came by, called all the kids near and far, called friends, etc. And here I am.

Surgery went VERY well. They had warned that the breathing tube may need to stay in for anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days. Turned out it wasn't needed at all after surgery. Ken knew going in that there would be some lymph nodes either poked or removed. Well, they lit up when the radioactive stuff was shot in him, so they were removed. His war wounds include:

3" incision from lymph node removal
4" incision from lymph node removal
7" incision from skin graft location
3 1/2" oval shaped open wound with a vacuum dressing placed on top with a nifty pump he has on til at least next Monday.

3 hours in surgery, 4 hours in recovery and a night in a private room. He is in a great amount of pain, and that is to be expected. Next step is to get the results from the lymphectomy.

He handled everything well afterwards and threatened to rip all his lines out and go to the cafeteria if they didn't feed him this morning - 26 hours without food will do that to a man who LOVES food. They listened.

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