Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Spent Wednesday night and Thursday in the hospital with Ken. Major chest pain. Not a heart attack, thankfully, but we learned he has Type II diabetes. I wonder what's next :/
So sorry! There just doesn't seem to be an end.....
I'll continue to keep you and Ken in my prayers.
I have Fibro and we have tried a lot of different things to try and get me to feeling better. The one thing we found that has really helped me and we have heard stories of it helping other with cancer and other things if forks over knives. Not everyone can do the diet plan but it really does help. I know for me I was in so much pain I would spend days in bed just curled up really wandering if I was going to die and then wish that I would just so the pain would stop. Just one week of following this plan though and I was not completely out of pain but I was able to get out of bed and start doing the things I use to do. If you have netflix I believe the movie is still on there but they also have website. Just a suggestion for you if you have not already considered it. I wish you all the best of luck and you guys will be in my prayers.
You are very quiet, Debi. Hope you guys are O.K?
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