Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Because the nitro worked so well on the pain, they released him at 5 am. They are full well aware he is not having a heart attack, the pressure from his damaged lungs is causing the a fib. So we came home and slept all day. He thought he would go out back and dig a trench and I am thankful to report I was able to talk him out of it.

I thought roller coasters were supposed to be fun.

Dar, when his a fib started last stay at the hospital, he saw them swoop in with the paddles and told them "Don't taze me Bro". He really did that.
Because the nitro worked so well on the pain, they released him at 5 am. They are full well aware he is not having a heart attack, the pressure from his damaged lungs is causing the a fib. So we came home and slept all day. He thought he would go out back and dig a trench and I am thankful to report I was able to talk him out of it.

I thought roller coasters were supposed to be fun.

Dar, when his a fib started last stay at the hospital, he saw them swoop in with the paddles and told them "Don't taze me Bro". He really did that.

So good to hear!

Deb you know I'm here if you need me, but hope you don't. You know what I mean. Love ya!
So good to hear!

Deb you know I'm here if you need me, but hope you don't. You know what I mean. Love ya!

I know what ya mean, and I appreciate that. The time may come where I need my online friends. Right now? I am ready to kick some male childrens BUTTS for not checking in and offering to help. There is a lot around here that needs to be done.
So sorry to hear about Ken's illness. I just found this thread. I'm praying that your family pulls together and gives you what you need. I know from experience that sometimes adult kids are afraid to see a parent who is not the strong and robust person that they used to be. Prayers your way.
Hey Debi. How is everything on the home front? I really hope that Ken has been feeling better rather than worse and recovering from his unexpected trip to the hospital.

I also hope that you have also called your kids and asked for help. Don't feel bad about asking.... even though you feel like you have given plenty of direct hints!

As an adult child I am probably still naive to any needs my parents might have..... especially after them having provided for me for so long. I still know that if I really need help I can go to mum and dad. I'm almost 30... not old by any means but old enough now to know that there will come a point in life where my parents need me to stand up and offer them a helping hand. It is only a natural progression in life. But unless my parents come to me and tell me that they need the help, how would I ever really realise that they needed me to stand up?

My parents and I have a great relationship and are very open. Heck, I've even loaned them money when it was required like they do in return. It's just the simple things that I wouldn't notice. I'd probably need a kick into gear as well.

Thinking of you always.
Ken is still sick, thank you so much for checking in. He has nausea meds so that keeps most of it at bay. He has had to stop taking everything now to try to find out what is causing this. I am not calling the kids until after this weekend. It is Kenny's 21st birthday and they are all going to Vegas, and I don't want them carrying the guilt trip I plan on laying on them until after the party.

I myself am having an anger issue. Ken has been quite critical of how I do things, and after blowing my top at him last night, I have come to realize that he is probably trying to teach me because he knows he won't always be here. I need to find more patience - and a group to talk to others about these feelings. He and I are both affected by this and experiencing different feelings and neither one of us REALLY gets what the other is going through.

I just want him to feel somewhat good again. I want his sense of humor to return.
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