Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Debi, We did 10 years with end stage copd. It was a rollercoaster, but we did what we could. Packed the oxygen and wheelchair and went to Vegas. I would park him in front t of his favorite machine and would check with him every half hour. We laughed and built memories. We also had to refinance the house when he could no longer work and I could not come up with the monthly expenses. It hurt, because the house was free and clear When I sold the house I had to pay off the loan and didn't have the money we had planned on for my future. But I survived. Wasn't always easy, especially toward the end. Hospice was a great help. They gave me the support I needed to keep on. There are so many resources to help. When he was diagnosed they gave him 6 months to a year; He made it for 10 years. My only advice is live one day at a time. Keep on loving each other and PM me if you ever want to chat. I am in CA right now taking care of my Mom. (Covina area). If you are ever coming to the San Gabriel Valley let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. God bless both of you. (I know some days it is hard to believe he cares) Hang in there sweetie You are a strong and good woman.
Debi, We did 10 years with end stage copd. It was a rollercoaster, but we did what we could. Packed the oxygen and wheelchair and went to Vegas. I would park him in front t of his favorite machine and would check with him every half hour. We laughed and built memories. We also had to refinance the house when he could no longer work and I could not come up with the monthly expenses. It hurt, because the house was free and clear When I sold the house I had to pay off the loan and didn't have the money we had planned on for my future. But I survived. Wasn't always easy, especially toward the end. Hospice was a great help. They gave me the support I needed to keep on. There are so many resources to help. When he was diagnosed they gave him 6 months to a year; He made it for 10 years. My only advice is live one day at a time. Keep on loving each other and PM me if you ever want to chat. I am in CA right now taking care of my Mom. (Covina area). If you are ever coming to the San Gabriel Valley let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. God bless both of you. (I know some days it is hard to believe he cares) Hang in there sweetie You are a strong and good woman.
Thank you. Covina is a bit of a drive, but if you ever find yourself in San Bernardino, that is a good halfway point to meet. I feel uncomfortable leaving him home alone because I know he does stuff that could wind him up on his back with no phone to call from. I wish he would just SLOW DOWN. I don't are about the coop or the lawn or the stupid dirt lot next door.
I have been away from my husband for 3 weeks and still have another 3 weeks to go, but when he gets here on July 5 we are planning on taking a day or two to see some of CA again. This is where we met. My late husband was his CPA. Maybe we can take a day trip your way. I feel like we know you and Ken and would love to meet you in person. I will PM you when I know our plans.
I have been away from my husband for 3 weeks and still have another 3 weeks to go, but when he gets here on July 5 we are planning on taking a day or two to see some of CA again. This is where we met. My late husband was his CPA. Maybe we can take a day trip your way. I feel like we know you and Ken and would love to meet you in person. I will PM you when I know our plans.
that would be cool!!! We do not have a lot here in the desert but we do have some GREAT restaurants.
Here is his first post:

So, I guess no more eating in the bedroom. Had pancakes and bacon last night for dinner, in bed. Left the Costco bottle of syrup on the floor, next to the bed. Woke up this morning, still dark, reached down, grabbed my shorts and put them on. It took a moment to start feeling and wondering what all the little bumps were inside my shorts, and a few more moments to realize the bumps were moving. ANTS! ahhh! my shorts were covered in ants! You go from the usual morning groggy to wide awake pretty fast when something like that happens.

An hour later:

I guess it just isn't going to be my day. I'm sitting on the porch, relaxing. Crack, crack, snap! Next thing I know, I'm flat on my back, the back of my head of course, hitting the house and sliding down the stucco along the way. Darn plastic chairs...

Hope you both have a nice, stress free, accident free and ant free day today.
i never read these posts, but today something lured me to this site. I am a smoker and what a wake up call. I will also pray for you and your family. And i will try even harder to quit.
I can't imagine coming here and reading this entire thing!!  You must like to read.  I know I do.  

Ken has thought up another business venture and he actually has people interested, people with money.  It certainly has put him in a good frame of mind.  

I LOVE to read! Good luck w the new venture:D
Here is a down to the ups. I am not feeling so great tonight. Ken's chest has been bothering him for days now and I cannot help but think "What is going to kill him first? The coronary artery disease or the emphysema?" I am scared. I hurt for him. I am all out of sorts these last few days. He is good humor, he is standing strong. This is so difficult.
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