Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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He is male. I think that is unlikely. My dad broke his neck in a fall from a barn roof. 2 breaks in his back and some broken rips. He is sent home after only 3 days. They want him in a brace and not doing anything. Catch up on some movies. What does he do, he tried to cimb into his huge tractor. He had to go back to the hospital to get checked out. He comes back and its up on a ladder next. Its called immortality syndrome. Ask my husband all about it. Everytime he does something stupid like this he hears it from me.
He is male. I think that is unlikely. My dad broke his neck in a fall from a barn roof. 2 breaks in his back and some broken rips. He is sent home after only 3 days. They want him in a brace and not doing anything. Catch up on some movies. What does he do, he tried to cimb into his huge tractor. He had to go back to the hospital to get checked out. He comes back and its up on a ladder next. Its called immortality syndrome. Ask my husband all about it. Everytime he does something stupid like this he hears it from me.
OMG that is soooo Ken. You put it perfectly!!! The guy knows he USED to be able to do all this manual labor and now he just cannot. So he pushes himself in unfamiliar territory!!!!
OK, it's early, and I haven't had the correct amount of coffee.....

The correct e-mail to send you a little something is [email protected] am I reading this right?

Please make sure this is right before I mess this one up.
Oh yes and they start it at a young age! My son is now 13 and we live in an area with TONS of poisonious snakes and he bahas around our 6 acres like I have killed them all or they won't dare touch him. My hubby is healthy but over weight and he can go for hours in the heat but there are days I think he is dieing...and he acts like it too! Then next day same thing again!

All I can say is I feel for you! Be strong and know that it is not him being stubborn it is him being male.
I hope he feels better today!
Men! They can be so stubborn. Like my husband Tony would always try to pull the truck out of our driveway without turning around all the way first so he has to go arround a really sharp corner. It freeked me out every time he did it but he was like "sweetie, I've got this!". So then the other day he did it and scratched the poop out of the side of the truck and broke a piece of concrete off the steps!!! That was the last time he cut the corner.
He realized I was right AFTER, he messed up the truck.
I hope Ken is feeling better after walking too much and not using his scooter!
It is called denial. If he acts like he is not ill, then he won't be. He can do anything, it is just mind over matter. Those doctors are all wrong. If he just ignores it, he can be his old self again. Then, of course, he makes himself worse and he doesn't want to admit it, but he is scared. Instead of sympathy, you are mad. He doesn't get it.
You get mad. You take it personally because you are scared, too. Does he really want to die and leave you? You are scared you will lose him and you are powerless to change that and he won't do anything to help himself. Then, he would have to admit that he is ill.
What a frustrating situation. The disease cannot be ignored. Be strong Deb, he is always going to test the limits, because he doesn't want to die. He is not invincible.There are no do-overs and that is hard to face. I don't know which is harder, dying or watching people die. I have sure done plently of the latter and I feel your pain.
You are his support system, his lifeline, his lover and friend. All you can do is love him while he is here.You cannot change the course of the disease. You know the old prayer, "God grant me the serenity to change what I can, accept what I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference." or something like that. I am praying for you.
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