Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Love the bracelet and the invitations. So nice to see all of the little pieces coming together. It is truly going to be an elegant affair.
Sorry about the ant invasion. We had problems earlier in the year, but they seem to be sticking to the outside for now. Hope they stay there.
Love the bracelet and the invitations. So nice to see all of the little pieces coming together. It is truly going to be an elegant affair.
Sorry about the ant invasion. We had problems earlier in the year, but they seem to be sticking to the outside for now. Hope they stay there.
I am not sure about elegant, but we are trying for what is nice, but inexpensive. I ordered a sample of the invite so I can make SURE they are as pretty as they look.
Weirdness abounds. I use my amazon account at work to buy coffee. Got the shipment and included is a spray to keep cats of furniture. Now why in the world would Ken even put that in the cart? We don't have a problem with cats ruining the furniture!!
I feel like this week is never going to end. I have been anxious today for no good reason too. Ugh.
are you getting enough sleep? B vitamins? Calcium? stress burns right through the B vitamins, if I'm stressing for no reason I can identify, that's the first thing I check. sometimes getting some extra B is all that's needed to put me back on a more even keel. calcium really helps too.
are you getting enough sleep? B vitamins? Calcium? stress burns right through the B vitamins, if I'm stressing for no reason I can identify, that's the first thing I check. sometimes getting some extra B is all that's needed to put me back on a more even keel. calcium really helps too.
Calcium, yes, because I am a milk drinker and cheese lover. What foods have B vitamins? I prefer to eat my vitamins rather than take a supplement. I am getting ENOUGH sleep, but not quality sleep.
Dairy products, especially yoghurt has lots of B vitamins in. Sorry to hear you are having a bad week
And those ants! I hate ants... I looked up organic ways to control them and got some... interesting tips. Some say to feeds them dry grits and then let them drink water, so they'll explode. Would be better than spraying nasty stuff around Ken, but you'll have some cleaning up to do!
Calcium, yes, because I am a milk drinker and cheese lover. What foods have B vitamins? I prefer to eat my vitamins rather than take a supplement. I am getting ENOUGH sleep, but not quality sleep.
dark green leafy veges, preferably raw (heat breaks down the vitamins) but lots of other things too...
you want to get a good balance of the set, there's lots of Bs
here's a link with a good list:

also, milk (for calcium) or turkey (for triptophan (sp?)) an hour before bed will help you sleep better, deeper, less thrashing about or waking up. if you're prone to light sleeping, no caffein within 6 hrs of bed time. alcohol within a few hrs of bed time can also contriibute to disruptions of sleep patterns and too-early waking, although it may help you relax and get to sleep.
dark green leafy veges, preferably raw (heat breaks down the vitamins) but lots of other things too...
you want to get a good balance of the set, there's lots of Bs
here's a link with a good list:

also, milk (for calcium) or turkey (for triptophan (sp?)) an hour before bed will help you sleep better, deeper, less thrashing about or waking up. if you're prone to light sleeping, no caffein within 6 hrs of bed time. alcohol within a few hrs of bed time can also contriibute to disruptions of sleep patterns and too-early waking, although it may help you relax and get to sleep.
I really don't like cooked veggies so I am good there!! I think the lack of quality sleep comes from me waking up every time Ken moves.
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