Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Debbi, thinking about it and constantly feeling grief is not going to help either you or Ken, nor change anything that will/may happen. You make that hole nice and cozy and spend as much time there as you like.
Debbi, thinking about it and constantly feeling grief is not going to help either you or Ken, nor change anything that will/may happen. You make that hole nice and cozy and spend as much time there as you like.
thank you. I am back in the hole now. I could use a few less reminders of the times to come. Things I can't help but notice is the way he walks very slowly and shaky. He and my son are in the same class in school that starts tomorrow and Brandon was here today and ANYTHING that has to do with computers (it's a PHP class) just lights him up. Ken that is. He is really looking forward to this class and having Brandon in it with him.
Good for him Deb! I'm glad he is taking a class. That will take his mind off of things and give him something to do that he enjoys.

I've been following you more on facebook than here, but did you ever look into counseling Deb? Even counseling offered at church is a huge help. I know you are very much involved with the church.

I'm always here if you need to talk. I don't mind listening. Gives me a break from stuff going on here.
Good for him Deb! I'm glad he is taking a class. That will take his mind off of things and give him something to do that he enjoys.

I've been following you more on facebook than here, but did you ever look into counseling Deb? Even counseling offered at church is a huge help. I know you are very much involved with the church.

I'm always here if you need to talk. I don't mind listening. Gives me a break from stuff going on here.
I have thought about counseling, but probably later down the road. Right now I am in a phase where I am extremely uncomfortable leaving him alone, which means that I go nuts all day at work. It has been VERY busy though and that helps. I tend not to post much about his illness on FB because it is hard for the kids. I don't say much about how I am feeling there either, only in private groups and here in this thread. I know that if I did, Ken would read it and then feel even worse. He knows this hurts me, and he is in the denial hole with me. We make a great couple.
This forum is counseling. It is a place where it is OK to feel free to express fears and hopes in an accepting group of friends. I suspect some of these friends have counseling degrees and experience when needed. Also, there is no such thing as too much caring support. It is what Deb deserves and hopefully may feel she gets here. A big thumbs up to this site full of caring people.
I do feel better coming here and talking things out, just getting it off my chest, which I can't really do on Facebook. I mean, everyone knows the situation and that was enough. I do not want to upset Ken at all and knowing I am struggling would upset him greatly.

He enjoyed his first day of the new semester today, and my son also really likes the instructor. Ken is going two days a week. Last semester, he took too many classes and wound up in bad shape and had to drop most of them. So at least he learned a lesson!!!
I do feel better coming here and talking things out, just getting it off my chest, which I can't really do on Facebook. I mean, everyone knows the situation and that was enough. I do not want to upset Ken at all and knowing I am struggling would upset him greatly.

He enjoyed his first day of the new semester today, and my son also really likes the instructor. Ken is going two days a week. Last semester, he took too many classes and wound up in bad shape and had to drop most of them. So at least he learned a lesson!!!

Glad to know!!

Is he in college or something? (sorry I'm catching up)
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