Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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So. Last Wednesday, right after lunch, I barfed and felt like I had been hit by a bus. Stayed home the rest of the day and the next day too. Felt MUCH better on Friday, by the weekend it was over. Today, halfway through lunch, I got that feeling "oh dear I better not eat another bite". Came home after work still nauseous, finally barfed again. But I feel ok now. What is up???
Probably a stomach virus going around. It's that time of year. Hope you feel better soon.
I've still been barfy today too. I had my chocolate milk for breakfast, coffee at work, then broth at lunch and that came up too. I am afraid to eat!
Oh, Missdebi, I have a barfbag here I took as a souvenier when I went to Florida. I will let you have it!
Debi, just to let you know that you and your household have been in our prayers.... I haven't been on line here on BYC much because been getting a lot of lung diseases, medicines, now the "big vest" and breathing treatments. But this is NOT about me... Only to say that you have NOT left our prayers and will remain there. And isn't it great to be so surrounded by so many loving and caring persons here. Remember to always look for the moments with humor because they are there.... Love in the Lord always......Farmer Nancy
When an adult tummy is barfy, the BRAT diet is usually the first solid food suggestion. First a person needs to be able to keep down gatorade for 24hrs., nothing else. Water is a no no. Then its bananas, rice, applesauce and toast for the next 24 hrs. If that doesn't work, its doctor time.
Nurse Gail
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