light brahma, ameraucana, & buff laced polish - which is which?

If the seller intentionally misrepresented the origin or quality of the chickens it sold to you, you might have a cause of action under a state deceptive trade practices law, depending on where you live. If you're angry enough, call a lawyer.
If the seller intentionally misrepresented the origin or quality of the chickens it sold to you, you might have a cause of action under a state deceptive trade practices law, depending on where you live.  If you're angry enough, call a lawyer.

Really going to a lawyer over 3 chicks is not wise. You should research your breeds before buying. Make sure you know what to look for in purebreds..

The seller was not truthful, but that is to be expected. I have dealt with many who tried to sell me one thing that I knew was not pure. IE: When I first started I bought two supposedly 'blue cochins' They were not. They probably were 50% cochin.

If Hatcheries can sell EE's as Ameraucanas without being sued, what makes you think they could sue a breeder?

I am not taking the breeders side. Of course they were wrong, and I would NEVER do that. I just think your case would be thrown out.
On the other hand, a "breeder" who would just sell any mutt bird as a certain breed gets away with it every time because nobody is willing to challenge those practices. This gives a bad name to the industry as a whole and leaves a lot of backyard chicken enthusiasts upset.

Doesn't have to be a lawsuit. A stern letter might put an end to it. Not that I know exactly what happened in this case...
On the other hand, a "breeder" who would just sell any mutt bird as a certain breed gets away with it every time because nobody is willing to challenge those practices.  This gives a bad name to the industry as a whole and leaves a lot of backyard chicken enthusiasts upset. 

Doesn't have to be a lawsuit.  A stern letter might put an end to it.  Not that I know exactly what happened in this case... 

I'd much rather get mutt chicks than sick chickens. All but one of my first four are dead due to a genetic issue. The breeder just shrugged it off. These things happen apparently.

If I had the name of the breeder, I would warn other chicken keepers of the lies. I know a lot of chicken keepers, and I was just warned about someone cutting the feathers of her day old chicks so you can't feather sex them (that's after she takes all the girls out). She sells them straight run, despite knowing they are all cockerels.

If you know what you want, you should KNOW what the chicks should look like. Don't buy something that is not as it should be.

I was also sold a production red as a RIR. You have to have the upperhand as the buyer. Don't be afraid to question them.
I don't think any lawyer would touch a claim for what? $15. You could go to your local courthouse and file a claim for cost but that would probably be it. I would contact the seller and ask for my money back,

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