Light Brahma rooster????


In the Brooder
Aug 26, 2020
We only have 3 chickens (our silver spangled puller was killed by a Hawk šŸ˜¢). All of the 4 we got from Tractor Supply were all supposed to be pullets. So far, our other silver speckled Hamburg is a rooster and now I am thinking Stella, one of the 2 light Brahma pullets we got is a Stanley. Ugh.
Thoughts? Are we screwed? S/he is about 4.5 months old. Can we have 2 roosters and 1 hen? They are basically pets and our kid is devastated to think of having to get rid of a rooster. So far, the two of the alleged roosters are inseparable and donā€™t square off or fight at all.
As far as keeping two roosters and one hen, well, you can try. Brahmas are pretty mellow, usually. You'd have a better shot of them getting along with a few more hens
My brahma boy, is fairly quiet, a gentleman and not remotely aggressive. except when i was bothering in the nest one of his favorite ladies, then he growled at me.
I suppose if it stops at growling then it's fine. I sure wouldn't want a bird that size who attacked people. Brahmas are huge!
Agreed I used to have a small black rooster that was people aggressive and he was already scary, I also had a light Brahma roo that was huge and docile I donā€™t even wanna imagine if he were to be aggressive.

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