Light Sussex vs. Light Brahma for Winter

I'm no expert on breed standards - nor do I have any inclination to try to be, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. No, that's not a pure breed.

and now that we are past that...

Does it have a pea comb? Great for avoiding frostbite.
Is it a large bird? Great for surviving winter weather.
Does it have feathered feet? Good to protect the legs - caveat, must keep coop and run DRY to prevent icy mud from accumulating on those feathered feet and promoting frost bite. I'd start adding material to the floor of the run (straw, pine shavings, etc) now, so you needn't rush to do it later - and double check the run next rain to ensure the ground slopes away from it. Won't help with snow, will help with snow melt.

Its the characteristics that matter, not the purity of the bird - breed purity is merely a useful shortcut for describing a bird with that character.

Finally, Brahma tend to be pretty quiet, but predator alert. Also good things.

Our supposedly Brahma hens




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