Light Sussex


10 Years
Feb 6, 2009
We have Light Sussex pullets for sale, $45 or a pair (pullet and cockerel) for $60 Our line is originally Bradshaw. We have won prizes with this line and most recently won Champion English Open class at the Eastern Ohio Poultry Show.

We can ship anywhere in the US. Shipping is separate and would be shipped Express from Zip 44256.
Our farm name is Sunset Meadow Farm is you want to learn more about us on the web.


Thank you and feel free to contact us with questions. 330-723-9940

The Coopers
Sunset Meadow Farm
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I have not been on BYC due to a death in the family. We have Pairs available and allow pick up and also can ship.
We will be at the Ohio Nationals in Columbus Nov 7th - 9th. We can bring birds there as well.
Sorry for such a late reply.
The Coopers

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