Limping chicken - Not Bumblefoot


Jul 16, 2019
We noticed our ~22 week old Marceline started limping all of a sudden about 2 weeks ago. I saw her an hour before and she wasn't limping so it was pretty sudden. We checked her thoroughly for injury or sprain. There was nothing there and she made no reaction to anything touched.

We checked her foot for bumblefoot and there wasn't anything there. She also hasn't gone limp anywhere else and her eyes look fine so I dont think its mereks disease. We checked to see of she was eggbound and didnt feel anything. She hasn't started laying quite yet.

She has been eating and drinking fine. Her droppings are pretty watery. Besides that, her attitude is the same.
Yes, thank you for that source. The top result was curled toe paralysis, but shes too old to have that by the description I read. The other ones didnt quite match either

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