Limping ducks - multiple people looking for help.

I kept both Pekins confined to "pen rest" and gave them more vitamins this morning. This afternoon Vinyl seemed to be limping less severely. I hope she will continue to improve. Until then, I'll continue to keep them confined & give them the vitamin drops 2X a day.

I hope everyone else's ducks get well soon too!
Update on Hopalong: He's doing much better after a week of quarantine. He was in a cage but still in the coop with the others so that he could be near them all. At night all of the chickens and ducks slept right beside his cage so he was okay being in there. He is standing on his leg with full weight but I want to give him a few more days just to be sure. The upside to this is that he now lets us pet him and he never would before. I hope he remembers how good we were to him and continues letting us pet him.
Crackers seems to be getting better, but then sometimes I can't tell.
I don't think there is any quick cure. It is just going to take time. I ended up euthanizing my baby because it wasn't helping. She had a genetic defect I think. It happens. I hope every keeps improving though!!!
For the first time I noticed that on her hurt leg, the foot has turned a bit inward. I'm unsure if this is because of the way she has to limp around, or if it's the cause of what's going on. Any ideas?
It seems that avian botulism causes paralysis of the legs & other parts. My duck can move her leg, it just seems sore/painful to put weight on it. But she seems to be moving easier each day. I'm going to keep her on pen rest, in the good company of her sister, and keep putting vitamin drops down their quack holes 2X a day, until she's waddling normally again.
Well, I just had five muscovy ducklings die from avian botulism. There are three adults limping around now also.

Here is a site that lists the common diseases for ducks.

Your situation may just be a sprain. Vitamin deficiency takes a while to manifest.

Last time I had a cold I ate chocolate ice cream and became well three days later.. Therefore, chocolate ice cream cures colds.

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