Limping ducks - multiple people looking for help.

Thank you Sunny_Side_Up. I love your questions as they are exactly what I had wanted to ask as well. You made it much more readable than mine. Thank you!
I have never had a limping duck except when it was caused by bumblefoot, but of course other things can cause it.
I think it really does freak out a duck to be completely separated from the flock.
I have heard it is good to put the duck in a small pen so it can't walk around much. It may depend on the duck's reaction but having the pen where it is separated from the other ducks with just a wire fence may be psychologically easier on them than completely removing them. It may be helpful to offer it a container of water it can easily get in and out of, so it can just float and rest the leg.
If your night-time housing is fairly small so they wouldn't be able to run around at all, they might be put in with the rest of the ducks overnight.
I hope that will help these ducks, I'm not sure because of lack of experience.
If anyone else has any experience with this type of treatment please give your feedback.
I had a problem with one of my little ones and this is what I was told to do.

1. Poly-vi sol vitamins WITHOUT iron. Give them a couple drops orally twice a day for about a week.

2. Get Brewers Yeast and break one capsule over their food.

3. I would definately separate the hurt one with one buddy from everyone else. They will probably be upset for a bit, but after about an hour or so, everyone should calm down.

Sunny_Side_Up: I would try to keep the Pekins separate from the layer feed and give them grower. Mine are almost 4 months old and still on grower without issue. I've heard that giving them layer feed too early can hurt them.
Thank you for the imput, I'll try them all & hope they help. I have 8 adult Khaki Campbells, a pair of year-old Embden geese, and these 2 Pekins who are 3 months old. They are my middle son's special request, he wanted traditional white ducks, so I got these 2 from the feed store. I sexed them myself & hope I correctly identified them as females. When they were cute little yellow fuzzies we called them The Rubber Duckies, so now their names are Latex & Vinyl. All the ducks & geese are penned/caged overnight & free-range the yard all day. These young Pekins hang out with the other web-foots, eating the stuff they find in the yard, and occasionally grabbing bites of layer feed from the dishes.

Today, after reading the prior posts on this thread, I shooed Latex & Vinyl back into their pen. Vinyl, the lame one, was still able to lead me on a merry chase across the yard. I filled a kiddy pool for them to swim in, filled a bowl with chick starter, and gave them each a few drops of non-iron Poly-Vi-Sol in their beaks. They are very content there together. I hope the rest & the vitamins will help Vinyl to heal. This evening I noticed the way she was standing, leaning far to one side in order to keep all her weight off the sore leg, poor duck.

I have a dozen or so bantams who fly over the fence into the duck pen, to lay their eggs in their houses & to gobble feed out of their dishes. That's one reason why I stopped leaving out chick starter for the young ducks, because there's no way to keep the bantams out of their dishes.

But I'm giving them starter now. If I put brewer's yeast in the feed, will it have a bad effect on the bantams?
I would think it's sort of like us taking a multivitamin. Like some minerals etc we probably don't need, but they're in the pill anyway. I personally wouldn't worry about it, but you should ask around, or talk to your vet (yeah right. if there were vets that didn't cost 48grand or something to visit).
Oh yeah... I'd also check for any injury to the leg, back, and the surrounding areas. A lot of people say that, well, it's limping so the issue is with the leg. They forget that your body is all interlinked. If you have a back or hip injury, it could manifest itself through the leg. Unfortunately, it makes it harder to pin point injuries. Good luck and keep us updated.
Hi i'm new to this forum, but have been looking at these threads as I also have a duck that is struggling with walking. I did think perphaps she had splayed legs but they don't look much wider apart than the other one. They are both 6 weeks old and i'm not sure what to do apart from try the Brewers Yeast. I had read somewhere about banding the legs but am worried about doint this. If anyone has any other thought it would be great to hear them. Can soemone also tell how to upload pics please?
Hi i'm new to this forum, but have been looking at these threads as I also have a duck that is struggling with walking. I did think perphaps she had splayed legs but they don't look much wider apart than the other one. They are both 6 weeks old and i'm not sure what to do apart from try the Brewers Yeast. I had read somewhere about banding the legs but am worried about doint this. If anyone has any other thought it would be great to hear them. Can soemone also tell how to upload pics please?

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