Limping guinea keet


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2017
Hi there! We babysat an incubator of eggs while a family was on vacation and one was trying to hatch. It had difficulty hatching so I helped it along. It had a splayed leg and turned in toes. Two other keets were trying to hatch but thought because I helped the first one that I should leave these other two to hatch on their own. They never made it. I find out later that the family that had these eggs didn't get them into the incubator until 5 days later. So, I am sure temperature and humidity affected all of the eggs. Shells were hard and membrane in the egg was rubbery. I hobbled the keet and also put on a band aid to straighten the toes. After doctoring this keet and giving it vitamin B, vitamins in the water, and feeding it egg, it is still limping. I had taken the hobble off after a day as it seemed as if its legs were under it, but it didn't seem to want to put any weight on its foot. After taking off the band aid, toes started turning in. It is 3 weeks old and it seems as if its leg is turning out and toes are turning in so that it hobbles around on right side of foot. Is this a slipped tendon problem? I noticed that the joint up by the body seems to be swollen. Is there anything I can do for this keet or is it too late and that's just the way it is going to be.

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