Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens



Hen or roo ?
Does have the black mark on the head but they all do except 1 lol , and I know u always get more roosters

Ok so now im really confused. I bought 7 RIR and im not sure what breed rir they are..

They are really dark red with black in there tail and neck feathers.

We got them in may 2015 and one has a huge red comb and waddles, some have red waddles and combs starting that are now darken in red too. And 3 have little pink undeveloped combs.

How do i tell my males from my females please help.

My boyfriend thinks we have hens...I say they are roosters.

This is the one that would sit still the longest but i have a few other pictures




By this age are they supouse to have such big defined wattles and combs that are red.

Or should they be pink still.

I don't want any roosters with my hens so i need to know so i can split them up.

They all have huge legs so its hard to tell. But i think that the ones with the comb and waddles have bigger legs.

How ever they are not crowing yet either And my other rooster is and they are just a 2 to 4 weeks a part in age.


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Both hens and roosters have combs and waddles, StaceyMW. The shape of the combs leads me to think they are hens, because a mature rooster's comb will grow backward (toward the tail) from where it leaves the head so that you have a portion of comb that has sky between it and the head of the roo. None of your pix show that, but though you said you got them in May that does not tell us how old they are from hatchling.

Male RIR

Female RIR

I think these two are younger than yours, but I don't have any pix that are exactly the same age as yours. Also, you did not mention where you bought these chicks back in May. If you bought from a reputable hatchery, they probably sold them to you as either pullets only or "straight run."

Others may (probably will) weigh in on this and either agree or disagree with me, but to me what you have looks like hens.
Both hens and roosters have combs and waddles, StaceyMW. The shape of the combs leads me to think they are hens, because a mature rooster's comb will grow backward (toward the tail) from where it leaves the head so that you have a portion of comb that has sky between it and the head of the roo. None of your pix show that, but though you said you got them in May that does not tell us how old they are from hatchling. Male RIR Female RIR I think these two are younger than yours, but I don't have any pix that are exactly the same age as yours. Also, you did not mention where you bought these chicks back in May. If you bought from a reputable hatchery, they probably sold them to you as either pullets only or "straight run." Others may (probably will) weigh in on this and either agree or disagree with me, but to me what you have looks like hens.
I bought mine from a feed stores and they were 1 or 3 weeks old. I thought that the males had long tail feathers and i see color of green in there tail coloring

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