Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

Hi everyone! This is Baby Babs. She/he is 4 months old. I got her brother and sister back in early May when they were a few weeks old. This poor baby has Runting-Stunting Syndrome because the previous owners left it outside, alone, no heat and no proper food. (see the pic of her and her sister). Shameful! I'm so glad we saved her. After some TLC and proper heat and nutrition she is growing.

So I'm hoping and praying she IS a she but I'm doubtful as to how the comb and wattles are growing in. She/he also has the colorful tail feathers like her brother. But if she is the same as her sister than her comb and wattles are about the same size.

What do you all think?



Also let me say that the comb and wattles looks really red in the first few pics because of the lighting but they are more of a pale pinkish

I have a few in guestion also. I can't get all my chickens to come outside. They want to stay in the coop. Please I need answers on what to do? Any suggestions?
How long have you had them? How old are they? Where did they come from? Could be that "outside" is a new concept for them. Is there a user friendly ramp from the pop door? (is the ramp at a shallow angle, with cleats so they can easily walk up and down?) Just open the pop door every morning, and sprinkle some scratch on the ramp. Give them time. As soon as one of them gets brave and steps out, the rest will follow.
Hi the new chickens are about three months old. They are not laying yet. They have come down a few times but always seem to go back up and stay. I think one of my roosters are keeping them up there . They are all out now except for the ones that are laying because I have them locked out. I am hoping this will make them get along better when they are forced to be together. Seem to be doing better. I am anxious to see what they do when I open the coop back up. It's so funny how when it's time for bed they all huddle up. No enemies then! Keep you posted.
Thank you so much! We just rescued him from a local, dirty and rundown chicken mill. I just love him to pieces, he does such a good job protecting my girls. The other day we witnessed him fighting off a chicken hawk!

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