Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

Are these 9-10 week olds male or female?
Supposedly 8-9 weeks born end of Aug, but honestly don't know. The person I got them from wasnt really honest from the get-go..most are mixes & one was sick so I guess I'm not sure how old they are really lol
I've had them for 2- 2 1/2 weeks, honestly I get selling chickens as "straight run", but don't list them as pullets if you really dont know lol. I wanted a Cockerel, let's just hope he's the only one ;)
Here I am 3 months later still not knowing if this is a he/she. I call it my "special needs chicken" because there legitimately is something mentally wrong with it. It trips over its own feet, tries drinking like a dog, constantly shakes and wobbles when walking. (this is the one we rescued who spent weeks outside, in a black box, by itself with no best lamp and proper chicken feed for the first few weeks of its life). Because of how under developed she/he is, I can't figure this one out. Gut is saying a Roo because of the comb and wattles but it acts more like a hen.

And yes, it thinks it's a house chicken and is spoiled unbelievably. (Spoiled and ... If I left her with the hens they attack this one nonstop until it's bleeding )

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Poo!!! I really don't know what to do With him if he is definitely a he. I can't have a rooster and he's such a awkward little chicken that he would killed if he was placed with other chickens. Any suggestions ?

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