little feathered genuises!

I like eating meat. I think humans are better off eating meat than being vegetarian or vegan. Now, maybe there are reasons to change what kind of meat you're eating... but I don't think there are very good reasons to be vegan.

I'm sorry for being rude but I'd really like for you to not talk about it, it bothers me.:)
Also, I don't think chickens are really that smart. I think it's more animalistic instincts that aid them in living their daily lives. Do you have any research to back up that chickens are smarter than dolphins?

You didn't seem too bothered by the conversation you had awhile ago. ;)
Also, I don't think chickens are really that smart. I think it's more animalistic instincts that aid them in living their daily lives. Do you have any research to back up that chickens are smarter than dolphins?

You didn't seem too bothered by the conversation you had awhile ago.

I think they are truly as smart as any other intelligent animals, from cats, to dogs, to dolphins. I have taught them tricks in only a few minutes, just like you could a dog or cat, and they learned how to play a tapping game! First it was smashing bugs but then it was a bubble rap game and they got a pretty good score! Which I don't believe popping bubble rap is a instinct:p. Some may be smarter than others, but all are very smart!

Well, I was but I had to get my point through:)
Well it depends, I mean we live off of education from others teaching us while chickens run mostly on instinct but can still learn. We have to be trained to survive in the wild while chickens know how to survive from hatch. I would have to say they may be smarter than us, I mean they may not know math and all that good stuff, but they can do way more things with their intelligence than we can.
i feel like we are arguing but not
person: chickens are smart
other person: no, chickens are smart
person: NO! chickens are smart
Well, in any case, if I do eat meat... I want the animal to have had a VERY good, peaceful life. I am not happy with the way animals are treated in factories. Figured I should point that out.

I think it's hard to compare a human to an animal. I believe we, too, have instincts, but as humans, I think some are different than those of a bird lol. We also have MUCH longer life spans than chickens, though, and we too learn how to survive,walk, chew food and all of that... just in a different time span. Which seems pretty expected to me, considering the oldest humans are over 100 years old (I think) and the "World's Oldest Living Chicken" was apparently 16 according to Wikipedia, lol. They have much shorter lives, so their learning comes faster.

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