Little fighter approaches the end

Thank you all for your kind words. Waves, I am sorry you lost your little lad too. Hope it gets easier.

It's odd in some ways. I've owned chickens for many years and lost many through old age and only one through a fox, but it never is easy. I think most people look on chickens as stupid, unfriendly and pointless pets, yet they are far from that. Each one has its own peculiarities, personality and presence. So when they go, we lose a little part of our world and it hurts. What is nice is that I can think of all the girls and the one boy that I lost and each one is separate and distinctive in my head - not some sort of culmination or amalgamation of "chickens I once owned".

Thanks to the community here on being so supportive. I feel at home here!

Thank you :hugs
Really, i love your words. Exactly what i feel every time i lost a chicken. Lot of pain and the little little joy of having these little feathered friends.
If it hurts so much, it means that before we got lot of love. And it is a bit nice, even if we are thinking this in tears....:hugs
Yes, Byc is so much an help! I love this "Flock" 🥰

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