Little Giant 9300 New Design with Digital Controls

I will try setting the temp down and see what happens- I just worry about the eggs in the front that aren't getting warm enough. I just tried to look at them and thought by now that I should see veins. I put my silkies and serama eggs in on 3-14 and nada. Today would make 5 days :/ the eggs in the back are dark shelled so I can't tell how they are doing in the desert.
That doesn't sound good, you should be able to see some veins by now but with the Silkies I was told to wait to call culls until day 10. I've noticed opening the thing even as quick as you can the temperature spikes up too.
This is what I have going now, I've been running it empty to get a better grip on how to keep the temperature stable. Another trick to these is keeping the humidity just right. I'm leaning now towards running it dry and then putting sponges in it for lockdown to keep the condensation down. I really hope you don't have a bunch of $$$ in those eggs.
Ugh- so much money was invested in these shipped eggs. I got sarema and maran eggs from ladycat (byc) and maran eggs - and polish silkies from ebay as well- really tempted to move them to my other incubator - but those eggs are going on lockdown on Tuesday and then I would either have to move the lockdown eggs over to the lg incubator or move the other eggs back in lg.

Maybe I will wait it out 3 more days and see if anything develops-

Any thoughts?
Yes wait it out, is the incubator full? I hope for the best for you. I really think erring on the cool side is better than pushing it to the 102. I've cooked and drowned about five different batches of eggs in this thing. The shipped eggs are the worst you never know what kind of scramble happened or ex ray at the post office. The last batch of those I did 30, one hatched, I was so careful to keep heat and humidity right. I did the eggtopsy and found a bunch of deformed chicks missing eyes etc. so I really do not think that was the incubator that time, the box was dented and caved in so I think that batch was post office scramble.
Well.. I am in lockdown in this unit... but my humidity will not raise above 55! I have both vent plugs in because If I remove one the humidity drops... I have also added Sponges.

My 2 Serema eggs out of 4 showed veining
- I moved them over to my hovabator unit... and am ONLY going to use the LG for Lockdown... but now I'm even regretting using it for that purpose!

Here's hoping that at least one out of my 4 eggs hatch!! If it is a miserable fail... I may try to go into lockdown with the Hovabator for my next batch.
Well.. I am in lockdown in this unit... but my humidity will not raise above 55! I have both vent plugs in because If I remove one the humidity drops... I have also added Sponges.

My 2 Serema eggs out of 4 showed veining :) - I moved them over to my hovabator unit... and am ONLY going to use the LG for Lockdown... but now I'm even regretting using it for that purpose!

Here's hoping that at least one out of my 4 eggs hatch!! If it is a miserable fail... I may try to go into lockdown with the Hovabator for my next batch.

How did it go? I hope they hatched!
I found a video from Miller website thought it was kind of odd shows someone setting eggs without a turner and then says to only partially open to add water and not to open until 48 hours after hatch.
no pips... lost all the eggs to shrinkwrapped. :(

I will try very hard to get my humidity up to 70 before Wednesday.. that is my next Lockdown day for Maran Eggs.

I am so sad that I lost all those eggs... it was heartbreaking. All but 2 were fully developed - I removed the top cap from one of the eggs and the chick actually chirped then died 12 hours later in her shell.
I built a foam cooler incubator and used a computer fan from to circulate the air and hold an even temperature profile. I did think that it moved too much air around running on 12 v so used a 9 v adapter and everything was good (and quieter). I don't see why a fan wouldn't improve conditions inside any existing incubator as the humidity was much more evenly distributed by the moving air. I would caution anyone to shut it off when opening the incubator as the fan will move the heat and humidity right out if it is running. My test run got 6 out of 6 tiny bantams so I'm happy with the design. If you keep a towel over the window it won't fog up from humidity if the room temp is low.
I just put my first batch of eggs from this incubator in lockdown. Out of 9 eggs, only 2 hatched on their own. 4 died before pipping and 3 more are trying to get out of the shell with my assistance. This is the worst hatch I have had yet. My last 2 were with my hova bator and those went much better. I have more eggs due in a week and am worried. I too, have also found that temps are not consistent at all. I have tried moving the probe around. I also try to move the eggs around to help with temps. In the back near the heater, my temps will raise to 105, but near the front, they will be right at 100 or less. The thermostat is all set at 100, and that gives me a temp of 102 in the back, but 99 in the front. I bought the fan. I plan to try it next go round. Hoping for a better outcome.

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