Little Giant Hatch Along


I am sure you will get great info from everyone here. BYC has helped me so much!!! I love the people here! Super nice !

I look forward to seeing your progress feel free to chime in any time you feel like it

Good luck !
congrats! And welcome to BYC
You are going to end up with a bunch of fluffy little chicks sooner than you know it
It goes by fast.
I am turning my eggs 4 times a day, I am not home enough to do 6 time a day but I wish I could.
Day 2 of my duck eggs and my lone goose egg.

Finally the temps stabilized last night. I have a feeling my turner was running a little hotter with this batch due to the goose egg but I don't know. I also added a fan into it to give it more equal temps throughout which is working great. Just have to keep an eye on the moisture content a lot more than with my last back.

I hope to actually get some of these to hatch. I hope the temp probs on day one wont hurt them that bad.
Your are right, IT GOES BY FAST!

I set 42 eggs on the 23rd. This will be my 3rd hatch. The 1st hatch was a success with 85%. The 2nd hatch was a failure at 30% which I contribute to humidity dropping below 20% and temp to 95 degrees on day 12 after not shutting the lid correctly. I do have a circulated air and egg turned on my LG. Temp and humidity stay very stable (of course when the lid is on right!!).

My 1st hatch ---> 30-50% day 1-17
50-70% day 18-hatch

Good luck everybody!
I had to do a dbl take when I saw this thread topic, people trying to hatch from LG's LOL, Sounds more like a support group or a therapy session. Trying to hatch from an LG without 400 problems is like watching the Iranians build a Nuke
. Although I wish you luck you will need much more than that, Sorry folks I am just not a fan of this Chinese made junk pile, I just wish you would have gotten yourselfs a real Bator and save all the headaches and chicks.

This is the second little giant I have owned the first I returned. I understand that other incubators may be easier to work and come preset. Honestly this time around has been great with most problem caused by me. I wish you would not be so negative because not all of us can drop $150+ on a incubator. I am just starting out seeing how I like incubating before I try and save up for a fancy one.
didn't your momma ever tell you that if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all? not everyone has tons of money to spend on itty bitty bators. Ours was $70 as it is and Little Giants were the only brand at the store.
We just set 55 eggs in our Little Giant 10200.

This is our first ever time and I have my fingers crossed. Our hatch date is set for the 17th of April. So far so good.

They are all barnyard mixes- we have a dominique rooster and BR, RIR, & EE hens!

Don't really know why we are hatching...but DH wanted too! (the one that didn't want chickens!! lol) we have 9 chicks in the brooder, going to get 125 more (at least!) on Thursday... I think we need to build a bigger coop...

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