Little Giant Hatch Along

didn't your momma ever tell you that if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all? not everyone has tons of money to spend on itty bitty bators. Ours was $70 as it is and Little Giants were the only brand at the store.

I agree..keep the negative comments to yourself
Ok, my incubator is now stable at 50% humidity and 99.8 after one day of setup. Now the question I have not seen answered, if I collect eggs that are at 45 degrees from being outside, so I bring them in and let them set and warm up or right into the incubator?

Thank you:)
didn't your momma ever tell you that if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all? not everyone has tons of money to spend on itty bitty bators. Ours was $70 as it is and Little Giants were the only brand at the store.

I agree..keep the negative comments to yourself

Please do.....
Thank you, Will stick my Australops in on Wednesday and I'll wait like all the rest of you for some little babies! Thank you for the information on putting them at room temp, but for how long?
Can anyone help me here?

I would wait and see. My brother has a high power led flash light that I am using but I still have a couple eggs I am just not sure about. 2 of them have thick shells so I cant see thru them and 2 are marans so the shells are to dark. I would not worry I am sure they are developing
Well, if you just gathered them then they just need to come up to room temp. How long that takes depends on how cold the eggs were when you brought them in and how warm the room is. I'd say let them sit fat end up till they don't feel cold to the touch anymore.
Gave in and went ahead and gave the bator a small bump before leaving work. The weather outside has improved, but my bator temps were still too low.
Here's hoping the temps and good and steady tomorrow morning.
With a school schedule, I gotta set them tomorrow, no matter what!

Thanks for the help.
Well, if you just gathered them then they just need to come up to room temp. How long that takes depends on how cold the eggs were when you brought them in and how warm the room is. I'd say let them sit fat end up till they don't feel cold to the touch anymore.


kupi99 I am hoping for the best on your temp
I should be good I think as long as you did not turn it up to alot.
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