Little Giant Hatch Along

Actually my guys just hatched Friday-Sat I got 5 out of 7 to hatch. I am now on to my 5 Pekin duck eggs and one Dewlap African Goose egg sleeping away in the bator. I wasted no time in getting the second set going.
We where able to hatch eggs out when I was in public school, I think thats what started me on my chicken journey.

Well I have to say that was not really a fun time for me, but at least we got the experience.

I actually ended up walking out of class after we were about a week or week and half into it. I was VERY sentimental and our teacher began opening eggs during different stages and I just couldn't handle that. We had the photographs to look at each stage, but he thought we needed a bit more involvement. I didn't eat eggs or chicken for years after that!!

eek... I could not handle that
I was hard enough to see the chick that was developing when the egg broke.
Just remember to wash your hands before touching the eggs. Also you might not see a lot on day 5 so don't be scared if you can't tell whats going on. Wait till day 8-10 and you will be able to tell who is developing and who is not. Check out that great sticky thread at the top for great info on candling
I candled my Lav Orps and the Ameraucanas I got from BYC member bargain..and that's as far as I got when my flashlight mysteriously died. It's not the batteries, the flashlight just stopped working. *sigh*
Anyway, all the Orps were good and 13 out of 15 of the Ameraucanas were good. So I'm happy.

I got my Cuckoo Marans yesterday, but I didn't know it till almost midnight! My regular mail lady was off yesterday, and whoever was subbing put the box on the front step and didn't ring the bell. We barely use the front door, all our traffic is through the garage. The only reason we found the box sitting out there in 40 degree weather was because my hubby realized he forgotten to lock the van (out in the driveway) and went out the front door so he wouldn't have to open the garage door. He almost tripped over the little box sitting there.
I let them come to room temp overnight and put them in my homemade bator this morning..the LG is cram-jam full.

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