Little Giant Hatch Along

Yay I am so happy to hear about all the hatching chicks!!

We are down to 11 eggs ( sigh ) 2 of those I am not even sure are developing, Stupid bacteria in the incubator
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The temp stays the same all 21 days.

People suggest a variety of humidities for lock down. Ranges from 65% to 85%. I'll be shooting for 80 to 85% last three days.

I'll be taking eggs out of manual turner day 18 and laying flat on paper towels.

If you can't get that humidity sponges help alot, especially easy for adding water via a tube through the top air vent so you don't have to open the lid.

Let the newbies dry out and you can easily leave them in for a day, they have 3 days worth of yolk they live off inside them.

As for me, on day 11. Had problems candling my Rock eggs as they were so speckled or porous. Just could'nt see anything day 5 or 7. Grabed 2 at random and saw dark devolopment and good air sac today. Set up a halide drywall light and cardboard box for tonight to check them all in best detail we can. The 4 girls will be excited and I now KNOW there is development in some. Should be a positive experience.

Well....that answered some of my questions....seems there are always more!
I just candled a few eggs, and I see definite veining in most! AND i had MOVEMENT in my EE green egg!!!!! i almost cried. She was looking right at me!!! ( i know, I can actually hear the patheticness in myself) but honestly I am so thrilled. Its amazing!!!! Now crossing my fingers nothing goes wrong!!!!!!!!!

The halide with box over it worked wonders. Have 11 of 15 doing perfectly. Even was able to see some good veining on a few. So as of day 11 have 11 definites going strong. The kids loved it. As for myself, happy that 11 of 15 are viable, shipped well and are growing. Not great but a fair hatch comming along.
Looks like my Dewlap egg was infertile. I saw no change in the egg its self. But my 5 Pekin eggs are veining nice and looking good. YAY for my LG doing a great job. It helps when you have all the temps set up from a hatch before it.
I set 41 eggs in my LG still air on 3-30-11. I recently bought a hovabator forced air bator too, but havent filled it yet. This will be my first hatching experience. Ive raised chickens for years, but never used an incubator. Hopeully Ill have a decent hatch rate.

My only issues so far are the temps. Im having good results in holding a steady temp, but bad results with the thermometers. I have two that came with the LG and two glass tube style aquarium thermometers in the bator all in different locations. One of the LG thermometers says 99.5 and the other is 104. Both tube ones are reading 95 right now (just added them). Im going to go off of them since they are both reading the same. Im adjusting until the tubes reach 100.

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