Little Giant Hatch Along

I only hatch once a year for school. I've used my LG for 3 years now and have to watch the temps. constantly. This year I tried covering the entire incubator with a towel and the temps. stay very consistent. I was skeptical at first because I thought it would raise the temp. but it stays pretty much the same all the time. Hope this helps someone.
Just tossed another eggs
I just candled my 8 last eggs I hadn't done yet, and I had 1 blood ring, 1 clear, and 4 MOVERS
2 with great veining, but not sure I could really see any movement....Its those eggs day 7. Considering this is my first time, and I am using a LG which, doesnt always get the greatest reviews, I am really excited and optimistic that I wont be a total failure!!! Nothing beats seeing those little darlins wiggling about! (except maybe a little fuzzy butt!)
This is too fun, I am officially hooked.
On day 14 now and just candled eggs again. Lost 1 more. Not too bad considering this is my first hatch. Still have 8 of the 10. Temp holding steady at 99.5 and humidity at 40%. I wont candle anymore and will go on lockdown on Thursday. I am so lookin forward to this. I have gotten alot of great info from the nice people on here and alot of it has came in handy. Thank You Guys!!! Also I could see the chicks actually moving in the eggs tonight.
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Had 23 eggs in that should have hatched monday the 28th. This was an experimental no turn hatch. We had a cold spell during lockdown period and temps dropped a couple dipped a couple degrees while we we're at work. My heart wasn't in this hatch. 7 pipped, 6 hatched, 4 chicks are in brooder now. Three that hatched had problems. Two dark silkies were too disabled and I had to cull them, one had curled toes on one foot and a straddle leg I corrected. I should have set the heater. 3 litttle EE cockerals, 1 silkie pullet survived and look just like their moms. Sad, but this is how we learn. Oh well, have another dozen in and plan on keeping this hatch well regulated and lots of attention, need the replacements. Must try bubble wrap. Good luck everyone!
The temp dropped in our house last night and when I got up the temp in the bator was 97*F, and I am not sure how long it was like that! Crap, Crap, Crap!

I hope
everything is okay, we have 16 chicks that were moving last night, so I hpe there is the same amount today.
Hoping they will all be fine
, my incubator drops down to 98 every night.

Youngbiddy, I am sorry to hear that
What stunk was this egg was the first one with movement. Every time I would candle this little chick was doing flips in it's egg, and the next day nothing. I waited 3 days but it was a quieter, there was no blood rind.
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